Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> "Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day,"<br /><br />In light of the fact that Mary is WHITE and NAGIN, along with 80% og NO is BLACK... wouldn't one consider that comment to be racial-stereotypical??<br />
Bingo, kagee, this is an example of why I am not surprised to hear New Orleans residents making claims of racism. (You might want to check that 80% number). I'm not saying race is a factor in the fed response , or even in the local response (considering the city govt demographic), I'm just saying, you hear crap like that enough, it leads you to certain conclusions, and in La. you hear crap like that all the time.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

I should point out, however, that the evacuation was in fact incredibly successful... except for those poor thousands, or so, who supposedly had no transportation. It would be very interesting to run a search of La DMV records by zip code, I think it might put a different spin on this transportation issue. ;)


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

J... the 80% is a figure being thrown about on TV. Referencing NO proper, not including the surrounding area. We all know TV is always right! :rolleyes: <br /><br />Old Curmudgeon... You have to know that there are legitimatly thousands in a population that size who have no transportation. However, whenever I see pictures of home rescues... why are there always cars all around everywhere? And why are we hearing stories that public transportation busses returning empty prior to the storm hitting? <br />We all know that answer. Some folks chose to gamble, and lost.<br /><br />As for the plan itself... I find it ironic that right following the storm: "Thousands are gonna die, and it's Bush's fault!" <br /><br />The story changed Sunday to: "Oh how great the plan worked, we only sufferred a small amount of casulties of what could have been".<br /><br />These people obviously think we are a bunch of blithering idiots.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> why are there always cars all around everywhere?
In my neighborhood at least one car per family would have been left behind.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

Originally posted by jtexas:<br />
Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> why are there always cars all around everywhere?
In my neighborhood at least one car per family would have been left behind.
Well, if true, I guess that speaks volumes of the state of humanity if someone left their neighbors behind along with their second car.<br /><br />My hunch says that's not entirely the case here.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

Originally posted by KaGee:<br /> I guess that speaks volumes of the state of humanity if someone left their neighbors behind along with their second car.<br /><br />My hunch says that's not entirely the case here.
When you say "neighbors" you mean literally from your neighborhood, or like Jesus said, everybody? In my neighborhood every household has at least two cars, if my neighbors stayed it's a decision on their part.<br /><br />No doubt a lot of people stayed for their own reasons, just like they would in any city. <br /><br />And you wouldn't expect to find your car where you left it, high winds & flood moved 'em guy in Marrero said 3 motorhomes from a dealership couple miles away ended up in his pool.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

No, I meant neighbors.... literally.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

.. why are there always cars all around everywhere?<br /><br />That's my point. ;) <br /><br />high winds & flood moved 'em around...<br /><br />Yeah, that's the ticket. High winds and water washed all those cars and trucks down there! :eek:


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Blanco states LA had a well thought our exit plan

Okay, I get from your sarcasm that you don't think that the storm surge of a category 5 hurricane moves cars & trucks around. Or maybe New Orleans doesn't have 2-car families? <br /><br />Maybe you missed this part: "No doubt a lot of people stayed for their own reasons." or as kagee says "Some folks chose to gamble, and lost."<br /><br />The streets aren't totally devoid of automobiles, so...what? I percieve that you're hinting at something, would you like to share your ideas with us?