I've always preferred an aluminum prop. They're much lighter, so they're able to spin faster and since they have a slight bit of flex to them, I think it's better on the motor when accelerating quickly. I'm strictly a salt water guy, so there's little chance of stumps and logs and stuff for me to hit, so Aluminum is my "go-to". But, there is much more "slip" with aluminum I've noticed. For example, I went from a 17 pitch SS to a 17 pitch aluminum and picked up 1 MPH increase at WOT, but and increase of 5,000 RPM's. So, according to my calculations, the SS prop had right at 5% slip, where the aluminum prop had 13% slip. That's on a 2 stroke 115 Yamaha. The aluminum prop planes off much more quickly though. I've never paid much attention to brand names on props though. Never thought there was much difference between one brand and another.