Re: Best weight loss programs?
I can speak to this challenge you have before you from a place of experience. I was over 300 Lbs in 2009 and managed to lose 125 Lbs in the intervening 15 months. I have maintained that weight loss for the last 4 years.
The "Best" diet plan is the one your are going to be able to stick with for the rest of your life. Having to drop 100+ lbs means you are going to be in active weight loss mode for at least 18 months to two years (forget that "Biggest Loser" BS, that was not a lifestyle change that is sustainable in the long term). After you lose the weight, you have to have established habits that promote healthy lifestyle which will include moving, lifting heavy things, and eating good, nutritious food.
What worked for me was a diet high in lean protein (fish, lamb, chicken, leaner cuts of beef, eggs), and vegetables. I avoided all processed foods as well as anything with high fructose corn syrup, or bleached flour. I also avoided as best as possible bread, pasta, and any baked goods. Also, I cut out beer (although I still have a glass of red wine with dinner most nights). Key things to note as others have mentioned, is portion control. A serving of any protein is 4 oz, so that means that even the 8 oz "petite sirloin" you get at a restaurant is 2 servings.
As important as what you put into your body is what you do with your body. A lot of folks mention walking. Walking is a good start, but it needs to progress from there. Find something you love to do outdoors and do it a lot. If walking is your thing, then morph that into hiking, where you have some elevation changes. If hiking is not your thing, try the bicycle. As important as that aerobic exercise is anaerobic exercises where you lift weight to stress your muscles. It doesn't have to be heavy weights, but you do have to find a way to create stress for your muscles. The exercise benefits of resistance training goes beyond getting strong. The biochemical changes to your body when you start stressing your muscles helps to promote weight loss and building more lean muscle mass. It becomes a positive feedback mechanism; more muscle = more weight loss.
In the end, you have to find what works for you for the long haul. This is a long-term endeavor you are on with many bumps in the road and many challenges. The longer you stick with these life changes, the easier they become to maintain. I wish you luck.