Best weight loss programs?


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

I hear soon as the camp is open and by the looks of it that will be about june I plan on going up and going on a walleye and pike diet for a month or so.and also my favorite, blue lite foamy:joyous: pop.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 23, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Everything in moderation, so no 'wacko' diet plans. As Scott said earlier, start and eat off smaller plates. We did that and it is amazing how you educate your body to expect less, without any extreme measures. Your body, ie stomach is going to need a lot of educating as it clearly is used to more than it should really be getting. Also eat when you are hungry, not by the clock. Don't 'snack'. Drink a glass of water BEFORE your meal and you will eat slightly less. Importantly exercise, but again do it in moderation. Don't plan on running Marathons, just steady walks to get your heart ticking a bit faster than it should. If you are going to weigh yourself, don't do it everyday or you will stress yourself into an early grave. Decide either weekly or monthly and stick to that. If you set yourself targets, make sure they are realistic. Finally, if you are medically overweight and you are on medication, it might be worth just checking out with your Doc what your plan of action is.
I know of several people who were overweight, had diabetes, and were popping pills like there was no tomorrow. They worked in conjunction with their Dr who advised them on how to eat healthily and exercise. They lost the weight they wanted, the diabetes went away and they were off pills. They also saved money too.
I count myself lucky at 62, I have no medications, I eat sensibly and eat off smaller plates. I do not cut out anything either. I do some exercise. The only pills I take are the very occasional tablet for a headache, maybe 3 per year.


Apr 29, 2008
Re: Best weight loss programs?

I can speak to this challenge you have before you from a place of experience. I was over 300 Lbs in 2009 and managed to lose 125 Lbs in the intervening 15 months. I have maintained that weight loss for the last 4 years.
The "Best" diet plan is the one your are going to be able to stick with for the rest of your life. Having to drop 100+ lbs means you are going to be in active weight loss mode for at least 18 months to two years (forget that "Biggest Loser" BS, that was not a lifestyle change that is sustainable in the long term). After you lose the weight, you have to have established habits that promote healthy lifestyle which will include moving, lifting heavy things, and eating good, nutritious food.
What worked for me was a diet high in lean protein (fish, lamb, chicken, leaner cuts of beef, eggs), and vegetables. I avoided all processed foods as well as anything with high fructose corn syrup, or bleached flour. I also avoided as best as possible bread, pasta, and any baked goods. Also, I cut out beer (although I still have a glass of red wine with dinner most nights). Key things to note as others have mentioned, is portion control. A serving of any protein is 4 oz, so that means that even the 8 oz "petite sirloin" you get at a restaurant is 2 servings.
As important as what you put into your body is what you do with your body. A lot of folks mention walking. Walking is a good start, but it needs to progress from there. Find something you love to do outdoors and do it a lot. If walking is your thing, then morph that into hiking, where you have some elevation changes. If hiking is not your thing, try the bicycle. As important as that aerobic exercise is anaerobic exercises where you lift weight to stress your muscles. It doesn't have to be heavy weights, but you do have to find a way to create stress for your muscles. The exercise benefits of resistance training goes beyond getting strong. The biochemical changes to your body when you start stressing your muscles helps to promote weight loss and building more lean muscle mass. It becomes a positive feedback mechanism; more muscle = more weight loss.
In the end, you have to find what works for you for the long haul. This is a long-term endeavor you are on with many bumps in the road and many challenges. The longer you stick with these life changes, the easier they become to maintain. I wish you luck.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 28, 2014
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Before any doctor will do the surgery, if it comes to that; they will need to see your commitment and effort.
So, get to a doctor and get your weight loss efforts and results documented.

And any doctor who wouldn't want to see your commitment you don't want...


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 19, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Thanks for the advice guys, I am planning on seeing my doctor before I start anything. I know I already have Sleep Apena and even with the breathing machine it has been killing my motivation, I have been doing things to stay more active now. including refusing to drive the golf cart at work ( I work security at a car lot at night) unless it's pouring rain, I walk. I got rid of my girlfriend, who had became extremely lazy and was killing motivation I had to do anything. and I have cut out drinking anything besides water. a few light beers on my friday, and my 1 glass of sweet tea with dinner.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Best weight loss programs?

your sleep apnea should correct itself once you loose the weight


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Best weight loss programs?

RealClearScience - Large Study Finds Vegetarians Have Poorer Health, Lower Quality of Life Than Meat-Eaters

kfa, several studies are out that refute your claims. And some would suggest that you have no "moral" argument. I do agree with you about smaller portions, and also non GMO veggies and non-steroid meats are a good thing. I have gone to a diet that is much more organic in nature, and one that avoids sugar, sweeteners, stays away for a lot of gluten, and eats organic meat and fruits, veggies, and legumes that are low on the hypoglycemic scale to keep blood sugar levels from spiking. As of now, it is working, and I am satisfied! Currently eating about 1800 calories per day and losing 2 lbs per week.

Terribly conducted and deeply flawed "study". Also, look who it's was sponsored by. I can post 10,000 links to refute it, if you want, or you can follow up on the info I posted. Virtually all of the world's elite athletes, Doctors, CEOs and politicians are veggie or Vegan and it's not because it's bad for them. Why? because they literally can't afford to die on the job, so they do everything possible to live a "good, clean, lifestyle". Regardless, of any single study you've essentially agreed with every single point I've made, so call it what you like. As for the moral argument, it's pretty clear. Factory farmed meat is immoral, however you cut it. If it's so great, why not work in a slaughter house yourself? What's the old saying about seeing sausage being made? Upton Sinclair anyone? How about meatless Fridays, for any of your old time Catholics? Any other meat/dairy is purely optional and in no way "necessary" to human life. Just ask 1.5 billion Hindus.
Heck, even Hitler was a non-smoking, tea-tottling, vegetarian. He was crazy as could be, but at least he was health conscious. You can't have your cake, donuts, ribeyes and eat them too. You just can't. Time to grow up. In order to loose +100bs of pure fat it is going to a take a radical change in behavior. Until that changes occurs, nothing will matter. OP will have to decide how bad he wants. It can be done, but surgery and fad diets are not the answer.
If only we treated ourselves as well as we treat our boats. We give them the best fuel, additives, paint and lubes, but what do we give ourselves and our families; dead meat, fats, sugar, preservatives and filth. Ah, and therein lies the problem. You see, the weight is just a symptom of a greater psychological issue. It's no different than drinking, drugging or smoking to excess. It's the excessiveness and lack of control that are the real issues not the food. Once OP figures out the root of the problem, it will solve itself. They always do.

Also, never listen to your fat friends about weight loss advice.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

seriously.all the elite athletes as veggies?!wow!theres several billion Chinese that cancel out the hindus.I work or should I say did work with Indians and let me tell you lots partake in the meateating throwing out a number like that is a tad misleading.pork is fine, so is lamb in their book and for some the home of the whopper is cool too!as for your links don't you think they might be construed as a tad skewered for the veggie side?i think we will have to agree to disagree on this one kfa4303,you will never convince me to subject my body to just rabbit food unless you include the rabbit:) I certainly agree though that we indulge too much instead of sensibly.dont know if it possible but within a week of visiting your lovely state id probably overdose on seafood myself.truce ?we will never change or agree on this one .

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Best weight loss programs?

RealClearScience - Large Study Finds Vegetarians Have Poorer Health, Lower Quality of Life Than Meat-Eaters

kfa, several studies are out that refute your claims. And some would suggest that you have no "moral" argument. I do agree with you about smaller portions, and also non GMO veggies and non-steroid meats are a good thing. I have gone to a diet that is much more organic in nature, and one that avoids sugar, sweeteners, stays away for a lot of gluten, and eats organic meat and fruits, veggies, and legumes that are low on the hypoglycemic scale to keep blood sugar levels from spiking. As of now, it is working, and I am satisfied! Currently eating about 1800 calories per day and losing 2 lbs per week.

The organic route is a nice gesture, be careful about what ya read and see regarding "organic" anything. Just as things aren't always as they seem, the world of "organic" is guilty of marketing fraud at a level the makes me personally laugh. To others it may be a bigger issue. As an example, take a guess as to where over 90% of our "organic feed" come's from? It actually comes from one of the dirtiest places on this planet.... China!!
How to lose weight is a tough question, but I'm betting the answer is really right in front of most of us. Changing life styles is really difficult, outright scary to many. No surgery without the lifestyle changes will result in much change. I would opt for more traditional ways to slowly re-train your daily eating habits back to some form of healthy eating. Short cuts, diet shakes, and even surgery usually wont do a dang thing that last's or is life long positive. Good luck on your venture, the first step is being willing to put the effort into whatever it is you want to change. We all have our weak spots, I'm currently trying hard to quit smoking, my experience tells me, I have to want to do this, or I will never succeed. No magic pill, but the mind is more powerful than most give it credit for. Again good luck with your plans.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Greenbush, for me, organic is easier ... I hunt and fish, can't get more organic than that, live in Amish country for fresh and organic veggies, and I have a friend with a farm who raises his own free range, organic beef cattle. But, yes, I understand what you are saying. I also said mostly, because there are some things that are too expensive or unavailable. A little is better than none, so I do what I can without being obnoxious or obstinate about it. Do what you can, and what you can't, don't sweat it. Makes life more enjoyable. I have enough stress, don't need food to add to it. I need food to survive and to encourage good health. That has been a major attitude adjustment for me.
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Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Best program??

Less calories more exercise, how about that, sounds easy.

I bet a doctor will tell you-Exercise for you at this time would be slow long walks, then longer brisk walks as you start loosing weight.

Check with the doc first though.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Greenbush, for me, organic is easier ... I hunt and fish, can't get more organic than that, live in Amish country for fresh and organic veggies, and I have a friend with a farm who raises his own free range, organic beef cattle. But, yes, I understand what you are saying. I also said mostly, because there are some things that are too expensive or unavailable. A little is better than none, so I do what I can without being obnoxious or obstinate about it. Do what you can, and what you can't, don't sweat it. Makes life more enjoyable. I have enough stress, don't need food to add to it. I need food to survive and to encourage good health. That has been a major attitude adjustment for me.
I hunt and fish extensively too, but I was speaking to the masses when I mentioned the overzealous marketing that is "Organic", only thing more abused and flat out miss-leading is "Made in America". You couldn't pay me to eat a hunk of red meat from a grocery store, and that grocery store (Whole Foods) that only sells Organic at a highly inflated prices, will never see a dime of my $$. I do the garden, fruit tree's and all that, but simply put, I use balance with anything, you cant just not eat, but you can be aware of what, and how much you ingest. In the end I blame media, but to each their own, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to run their live's just my opinion.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2011
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Its real simple. Exercise and if its white or they hand it to through a window don't eat it. The vegan stuff is garbage.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 14, 2008
Re: Best weight loss programs?

I'm gonna give it a good go before I go the lapband route, I'm going to get on a weightloss program and see how much I can lose, I 24, and I had a good bit of weight to lose. I currently need to lose about 140-160lbs

What has worked for you guys? what would you recommend? it's not easy for me, I hate most all vegtables and don't wanna give up my meat, but I gotta find something that works.
Cut out sweets almost entirely and have a lot of dental work done. After paying the dentist you will be too broke to eat well for a good while!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 6, 2010
Re: Best weight loss programs?

I am 47 6'1 and 190.....I was 32 lbs heavier and knew i had to do something ....I was fairly active but did snack especially on the weekends....I went and did the P90x...the easiest version and started out doing it 7 days a week but settled on 4 days a week after the second week....It works....but only in combination with changing your diet...Its hard plateau....but if you give it 90 days you will see changes....I skipped the yoga portion.....I feel much stronger and can easily water ski....
Once i reached my goal i started to walk for 30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week....and lets be honest i had to change my diet....more salads stuff like spinach and green beans or even asparagus. Spices are free calories but make them palatable.
You need to find a buddy who keeps you accountable....were human and we cheat.....try it for 30 days ....i could barely do 3 push ups when i started....
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Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Best weight loss programs?

I went and did the P90x...the easiest version and started out doing it 7 days a week but settled on 4 days a week after the second week....It works....but only in combination with changing your diet...Its hard plateau....but if you give it 90 days you will see changes....I skipped the yoga portion
I was doing P90x. I actually think the yoga portion is very good too. Helped me with my tennis game.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Good luck with this life change /weight loss ! Stick to it and you start dropping the weight . I have dropped over 20 lbs in the last 2 months by just cutting out the carbs as much as I can . It's hard to eliminate all carbs but try and stop eating breads or anything made of wheat . Use a wrap instead of sliced bread or buns . Think of it this way , how do they get cows so big . Grain ,grass wheat . What did cave men eat . Meat ,berries , maybe fruit . Not sure if there was any fat cave men but probably not .
Hope you reach your goal ! I will be pulling for you !


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Lots of opinions here and many good points. I am not an expert and will not say this is the only thing you can do. I have my struggles and much like anything, discipline is what makes the difference. Like was said before you need a life change not a diet.

One thing I would suggest and that you can do today is sign up for Weight Watchers online. This doesn't have to be the end all solution, but even if you follow the points system and don't exercise, you will lose weight. You will also learn what things are bad and what things are good. You can have just about anything you want, you just have to limit it.

One thing that struck home to me is when I went out to a restaurant and looked up the points only to find out every dish they offered was a whole days points.

Do this while you figure out what you are going to do. This doesn't have to be painful or radical. Radical will only last a short time. I lost over 20 pounds in 2-3 months just by following the points.