Best weight loss programs?


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 19, 2012
I'm gonna give it a good go before I go the lapband route, I'm going to get on a weightloss program and see how much I can lose, I 24, and I had a good bit of weight to lose. I currently need to lose about 140-160lbs

What has worked for you guys? what would you recommend? it's not easy for me, I hate most all vegtables and don't wanna give up my meat, but I gotta find something that works.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Best weight loss programs?

from my last nutritionist

2 cups of green tea in the morning with a cup of fruit and some yogurt

a small plate of vegetables for lunch with active culture yogurt

6 ounces of meat with about 6 ounces of vegetables and about 4 ounces of a starch (potato, etc.) for supper

the green tea helps get your colon going, the fruit helps you start your day. the vegetables keep your mid day going and boosts your metabolism. avoid carbs commonly found in grains and breads. the above diet coupled with decent exercise regiment of about 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week will really start taking weight off.

In short, you need to eat the veggies, cut back on the meat, cut out most pastas and grains. if you feel hungry during the day, drink water. if fills the stomach and helps curb the appetite.

a few other things - switch to plates that are about 75% of the diameter of your current plate. there is the psychological side where people eat more on large plates. cut out unhealthy snacks. if you drink beer, switch to light beer. if you drink coffee, cut out the creamer and sugar or switch to green tea. eat whole grain tortillas vs bread. avoid white bread


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Google the Beyond Diet. It is the first diet that has really worked for my wife and I. It is a "mostly" organic diet that has us eating 5 times a day with every 7th day being a "cheat" day to keep your body from going into starvation mode. I am not hungry, I feel better and and have more energy than ever before, and for us, the organic meat was easy because of my hunting and fishing habits.

I said mostly organic because you do as much as you can, but if there are things you can't do, well, that is okay. You are to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day, no sugar or artificial sweeteners (stevia, truvia, maple syrup, agave, or raw honey are our sweeteners). We use Himalayan Pink Salt, or sea salt instead of table salt. Wheat and white breads are so processed ... We have switched to organic sprouted whole grain breads, cut out a lot of gluten, etc. It took a while to change our pantries, but I have lost 37 lbs so far this year and my wife has lost 15. My goal is an additional 73 lbs to loose. I am losing 2-3 lbs a week. Already by blood pressure has dropped, my energy is higher, I don't feel bloated, I am more regular, and have seen several other health benefits I wasn't expecting. We are both excited. There is a cost to getting the material, but it is small, and one time, unless you want to buy other products they have that really are not necessary.

There re is an interesting formula to see how much you should eat. Take your weight and multiply it by 13 if you are sedentary, 15 if you exercise moderately, and 17 if you exercise everyday. That is the calorie intake per day to maintain your current weight. Decrease that amount by 20% to loose weight and increase it by 20% if you need to gain weight. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 28, 2014
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Neighbor's wife had an operation - I believe they just took out part of the intestine - anyway, you eat the same, your body just absorbs less - she lost a ton of weight.
No idea what it cost - she's a nurse, so might have gotten a discount.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Best weight loss programs?

A friend of mine, a woman, had the lapband operation. She needed to lose 150 lbs. She lost 75 lbs the first year and then got stuck. Can't lose anymore.

I exercise a lot and still have problems losing weight. Best thing to do is to cut your intake and do more exercise and do something you can do the rest of your life. Problem with most diets is that they aren't something you can do forever.

You would be amazed how many calories you drink. Stop drinking juice and sugared sodas. Don't even drink diet sodas, those actually increase your desire for more calories.


May 17, 2010
Re: Best weight loss programs?

If you need to lose that much weight then talk to a doctor so that you don't kill yourself trying to do it.

four winns 214

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2008
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Want to lose weight? Eat less and exercise more. Works every time. Get yourself a Golden Retriever dog and start walking it. And I'm not kidding. Don't try to lose the weight fast. Slow and steady wins the race!
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four winns 214

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2008
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Before trying something drastic like lapband, here are some other techniques to try: 1) People eat way more than they need, myself included. When eating a meal, take a reasonable portion of everything you intend to eat, eat slowly, and then don't take seconds. After that, push yourself away from the table. Give yourself time to feel full. That's basically what lapband does. 2) Never "supersize". 3) Don't snack. 4) Drink lots of water 5) When you drive somewhere, park at the far end of the lot. Those extra steps really make a difference. 6) Given the opportunity, take the stairs instead of the elevator (the last two items, I do religiously). 7) Don't eat after 9pm. 8) If you need to eat between meals, and I do all the time, eat fruit- apple slices, orange sections, bananas. Again drink lots of water.

This is a lifestyle change. It takes commitment. Go easy at first with extra activity. Don't give yourself shin splints with extra walking. Gradually increase your activity. Once a day, do five minutes of simple calisthenics- a few jumping jacks, push ups and sit ups. You WILL lose weight. The biggest factor is EAT LESS! It's not necessarily always what you eat, it's how much, but healthy choices do make a difference.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 22, 2013
Re: Best weight loss programs?

keep your Ph balanced from your diet(acid vs. alkaline). I drink water that has a balance of 9.5(that has leaned me down to 225 ). That will help candida down to a manageable level. This will reduce your carb cravings. Weight and health issues will improve from this, used along with the other good pointers stated.
Avoid GMO foods and meats with steroids, its more expensive but cheaper than doctor bills.
(my personal trainer helps me in the cardio too)


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Seriously just walk and as you get stronger walk up steep hills i use to be 275+

If you embrace taking care of your self by walking the rest will follow , if i am tired i go to the gym regardless and just walk on the the teadmill slow NO MATTER WHAT EVERYDAY

Running tends to beat you up over a long period of time which is WHY i only hike/walk now and at 58 i just finished the hardest thing in my life and passed three runners :)
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

see a doctor and get the right advise.i know everybody means well but everybodys different and it seems to me like you have a lot to lose weight wise.i have a friend that can eat all day every day at anywhere and anything and the bugger never gains one ounce.lucky bugger.some people have very high metabolisms and are fortunate that way but the majority of us are not.for every 10 lbs you lose your knees will think its 50 as my surgeon said.main thing is see a qualified doctor before you do anything drastic .no point in dying trying to get healthy.


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Best weight loss programs?

For that kind of weight loss (an entire one of me), you're going to have to change your entire lifestyle, literally. After all, it's what got your here in the first place. There's no way to half-*** it. No diet, juicing, cleansing, singing, dancing, chanting or praying BS is going to fix anything. If you drink QUIT. If you smoke, QUIT. If you eat cookies/candies on a regular basis QUIT. There is no other way.
To keep things super simple and avoid as much gimmickry as possible it would be simplest to just go Vegetarian/Vegan ASAP. Not only is it ethically and morally sound, you'll also avoid tons of other unhealthy foods that accompany your favorite "hunk of meat" (e.g. butter, cheese, fatty sauces, etc....). There are tons of books, shows, websites and all the rest to give you good info and get you started. ALL of the world's top CEO's, athletes and health care experts are veggie/vegan anyway. They're too valuable to their company to die of something simple and entirely preventable like donuts induced diabetes. Politics aside, Bill Clinton is the perfect example of the so-called Vegan "CEO diet". Remember when he literally used to stop at McDonalds while jogging? Well, a heart attack or two later and ol' Slick Willie changed his tune real quick and went VEGAN in a heart beat (pun intended). Now he's fit as a fiddle and looking good. Shoot, even Samuel L. Jackson the original Bad MoFo, Jay-Z and Beyonce are Vegan now. There's literally no GOOD reason not to do it. Although, there are many childish and nonsensical ones.
It's also cheaper, cleaner, healthier and better for the environment. No human "needs" meat or dairy products of any kind. Besides, the state of factory farmed meat is beyond vile and appalling in this country. It's so bad, that legislatures all over the country are trying pass so called "Ag Gag" bills that make it illegal to report the crime of animal abuse and torture which takes place continually and they are trying to hide. Then of course there are the "accidental" breeches at the hog farms that allow all the sewage into our local accident of course ;) Oh and then there are the barrels and barrels of oil it takes just to bring one cow to market that someone's kid has to go fight and die for, or the clear cutting for pasture land, or the hormones that make it so "tasty", or the steroids, or the drain on water resources, etc......The list is literally too long to mention.

Having said all that, I can tell you right now you're going to fail because of your attitude: "I hate most all vegetables and don't wanna give up my meat...." then you're going to remain fat and die a young man! It really is that simple. You can't keep smoking and "get in shape" can you? No, of course not. If you truly want to loose the weight, you'll do whatever it takes, no excuses! Discipline, discipline, discipline! Also, guilt works great. The next time you feel the need to whine about how you don't get to eat exactly what you want, exactly how you want, exactly when you want Google "childhood starvation" and take a look at what you find. Then ask yourself if putting one or two pieces of cheese on your burger is a "problem". I'm not trying to be mean, just using a bit of tough love.
It's all in your mind. If you really want it you can do it. If you don't, you won't.


Jul 20, 2013
Re: Best weight loss programs?

One pound = 3500 calories. Use an on line app/program like "Lose It" to find your equilibrium and track your calorie intake (food in) and output (exercise) on a daily basis. Increase your output or decrease your intake by 500 calories a day and you will lose a pound a week.


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

kfa4303 .I wonder if veggies scream when you yank them out of the ground?as for not losing weight because you eat meat ,bull!a well balanced diet is far better than that vegan nonsense anybody does that and enjoys it is beyond me but I guess it takes all kinds to make a world.::D


Sep 17, 2010
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Surgery is the ultimate admission of defeat and shows no long term benefits to the recipient. You're simply masking the symptom. Find out why you eat so much and fix it. It's ain't rocket science just ask a drill instructor. They take doughy little losers and turn them into skinny, fit fighting machines in 6-8 weeks. Age has nothing to do with it. My 55 year old martial arts teacher has a 6 pack. No excuses!!!!! There's even a great system called "1200 is plenty" that restricts caloric intake to approx 1200 cals, a day which is all your typical, cubicle-bound office worker really needs. Numerous experiments have also show that having a reduced calorie diet actually helps you live noticeably longer in and of it self. Also, throw out ALL of your old plates and bowls. They're ridiculously oversized and you don't even realize it. Just look at what a "cup of coffee" looked like 30 years ago (6-8 oz) vs today (16-20 oz., hence the term "Venti" = 20 in Italian). That's 4-5 times larger than generation ago!No wonder we're also 4-5 times larger than a generation ago too:/ The same is true across the board with all portion sizes. Buy new smaller dishes and you'll control your portions as well. Less is more.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Before any doctor will do the surgery, if it comes to that; they will need to see your commitment and effort.
So, get to a doctor and get your weight loss efforts and results documented.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Best weight loss programs?

RealClearScience - Large Study Finds Vegetarians Have Poorer Health, Lower Quality of Life Than Meat-Eaters

kfa, several studies are out that refute your claims. And some would suggest that you have no "moral" argument. I do agree with you about smaller portions, and also non GMO veggies and non-steroid meats are a good thing. I have gone to a diet that is much more organic in nature, and one that avoids sugar, sweeteners, stays away for a lot of gluten, and eats organic meat and fruits, veggies, and legumes that are low on the hypoglycemic scale to keep blood sugar levels from spiking. As of now, it is working, and I am satisfied! Currently eating about 1800 calories per day and losing 2 lbs per week.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Re: Best weight loss programs?

aspeck; the main thing im trying to stress is for the op to see a doctor first before he actually does anything to get checked over.he could have hidden problems that could be quite frankly deadly if he justs goes off half cocked on some hairbrained but well meaning diet.wanting to loose that much weight tells me the gentleman is proably morbidly obese by the strict definition of the not picking on or making fun of him just stating a fact.i wish him all the luck in the world and hope he lives a long and fruitful life and that will happen if the weight is taken off safely.knew a guy that weighted at lest 500 lbs and the band saved his life .he never did gain the weight back and died of other causes much later.good luck buddy hope you succeed.blast all this talk of dieting now wants to make me have a porterhouse.
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Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Best weight loss programs?

Rude, I have no qualms with what you are saying. Nothing wrong with getting checked out by a doctor. What I am talking about is not a fad or a quick weight loss plan. I have always been skeptical of them. And starvation doesn't work, it only leaves you hungry and unsatisfied. It takes a will, a desire, a determination to change nearly everything. And it needs to be something you can continue after you Have reached your goal. My proposal is a balanced diet of healthy, nutritional foods that will aid in blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Key word is balanced. Not a supplement feeding frenzy, but nutritious foods that build the body, not destroy it. Seeing a doctor regularly is a good practice whether you are losing weight or not.