Best Water Pump for 6hp 1969 6R69M Johnson.

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
I am not disputing your experience, but this is not my first rodeo either.
There are some alarm bells going off here for me, and you have not answered the question as far as i can read.

Which is correct ?
1) Should the o-ring sit on the bottom of the recess in the carbon seal and be compressed from the top by the plate?
(in that case that extra piece is a spacer, and required. The spacer raises the o-ring to the proper level.
(I have installed lots of rotary mechanical seals that are multi-pieces....especially in water pumps)

~ OR ~

2) Should it sit in the recess and be below the top, and thus only the friction of the o-ring on the driveshaft keeps it in place? There would actually be no contact between the plate and the o-ring.
And the only contact with the plate is with the bottom of the plate and carbon seal....and between the top of the plate and the bottom of the cork seal.
(in that case, the "mystery part is garbage. :) )

What is confusing me is that "mystery" part....I suspect that you are correct and it is an old o-ring....that is hardened and taken on a totally different shape....too the point that it feels exactly like the carbon seal.


Fleet Admiral
Apr 3, 2002
Meanwhile, still looking for the "smoking gun" on this overheat problem, I removed the Cylinder Head--there were a couple bits of shell/sand around 3/16 diameter that I removed.

3/16 (say a quarter inch) of debris is quite a chunk. Think I would scrape out the water passages in the head and around the cylinders. A thin bladed flexible knife blade works well, maybe a small screwdriver. Follow with flushing into the passages (small water pump works -- whatever you can rig up).

Also check your intake screen in the lower unit. If you run in sandy or salty, you probably need to frequently follow this routine.

[edit. Maybe zebra mussel issue if the the lower unit remained in water -- sailboat at the slip, for example.]
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