Gentlemen, believe me, I know how long it takes to get to a full charge, from a partial charge, on a Starting battery. It took around 48 hrs. plus, to get the old NAPA Starting battery we had back to a full charge, after it was sitting in an outside storage closet for a few months, after we took it out of our boat for winter a couple of years ago.
This is our first Deep Cell and we didn't have a clue about charging time on it. All I know, is that I read on an online boating forum, that it is highly recommended to put a newly purchased boat battery on a charger (even the kind we have) before putting it into the "top off" the charge. That's what I did with both of these new batteries and it worked fine on the new NAPA Starting battery, but apparently we didn't leave the Deep Cell on long enough.
Like I've said, I will contact Deltran to see what they say, but I'm sure they will tell me to leave it on much longer.