Re: Best Buy Extended Warranty
I am sorry but BB has brain washed you. I worked for that **** box back in 98 for 7 months. I was always the #1 person in PSPs (service plans for all you) every month. As you know they call them Pure Stinkin Profit. I am sure they still do. BB is a horrid company to work for or buy stuff from. I am sad BB did not go under instead of CC. I do not support any box store. The local electronics stores are usually much better trained and care about the customer. Yes it cost a little more but you are getting customer service and usually a better product. Not the volume junk most of the box stores sell. IDK maybe I am just old fashioned. Plus the mom and pops keep more of your money in your local area.
I am not going to fight you on this as we can see your stance on it.
I respect your opinion, but you worked there 11 years ago. It would take me all day just to explain operating changes that have occurred just since 05'. Do you have any idea how different the company is now?
There are plenty of things that I would never buy a service plan for, and many things that I would not recommend them for that I sell. TVs is not one of those.
I have not been brainwashed. I have actually seen the benefits of these plans personally. I would have had to buy 2 new TVs and a new Ipod just in the last year had I not had plans. Yes Best Buy makes money on them, but they can serve a purpose if you buy them on the right products. Are they right for everything....absolutely not.
BTW PSP does not exist anymore.....just one of those changes that you are unaware of.