Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

mrbscott19 said:
"Now, the issue is who pays the price. Who pays the price? I'm not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young. You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it,
with immediate family. So who pays the price? The American military and their families."

Above are Boxer's exact words. Please, someone enlighten me as to where any derogatory statement was made. Boxer is referring to paying a price that neither one of them has to pay. Boxer doesn't have to pay the price with her immediate family and neither does Rice. Thats all that was said, nothing else. I don't see where any "low blows" were dealt. What I do see is Republicans grasping at whatever they can find to try and destroy the democrats.

Whats so wrong with pointing out that nobody from your family is going to war? My immediate family isn't part of this war. Now should I be offended for having said that now?

"The pot calling the kettle black"?
Nice to see the Rehubs. stooping to levels that they claim only Dems. can reach.....:^ ;)


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

A bit oversensitive, aren't we? Sounds like a jab at Dubya to me. He has two daughters. Either of them enlisted? Nope! Cheney have any enlisted relations? Don't think so. How about Rove and Rumsfeld? (Yeah I know Rummy's out, still... ) Does anyone in Bush's inner circle have anybody in harms way? Has anyone in Bush's inner circle ever been in harms way? You guys get way too whipped-up over idiots spinning the story the way they want it spun for you to buy into. A little less blind emotion and a little more common sense would serve you better.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Bottom line is, if it is on Rush one day, Boomie reports it here the next.

Boomie is a good and loyal soldier, dontcha know.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

They sound like "Mind Readers" to me. ;)

White House spokesman Tony Snow on Friday called Boxer's comments "outrageous."

"I don't know if she was intentionally that tacky, but I do think it's outrageous. Here you got a professional woman, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Barbara Boxer is sort of throwing little jabs because Condi doesn't have children, as if that means that she doesn't understand the concerns of parents. Great leap backward for feminism."

That's what we call a Snow job.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

It was one of those precious moments where to see Boxer's pompous body language and hear her sniping comment speaks louder than the printed version.

Here's Rice's comments:
"I guess that means I don't have kids. Was that the purpose of that?" Rice said. "Well, at the time I just found it a bit confusing frankly. But in retrospect, gee, I thought single women had come further than that. That the only question is are you making good decisions because you have kids?"

Actually Condi... having kids in the service can be a detriment to good judgment and decision making. What's best for the country may not be for your kid.

In addition, Ms. Box her knows full well, important public officials offspring never see combat due to national security concerns of potential capture or kidnap. At which point, what sort of "unclouded judgment" is that politico capable of making?

And another point... Ms. Box her never raised this issue during the Clinton years... He never sent Chelsea off to war either. He should have deployed Hillary... that weapon would scare the bejesus out of most of out enemies.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

What war did Clinton declare?

BTW, both British Princes are enlisted. It's a long-held tradition. One that more American Royalty should observe. Like King George.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

I've only been on the political side of this forum for a short time, but the Libs on here seem to have a lot more class then the typical Seattle facist Liberal types I frequently run into here on the upper left coast. I always keep my eye on 'em here to make sure they don't key my SUV in frustration, ([which could lead to a broken neck: or somethin' important that hurts]; it is a common tactic for the Libs in the Seattle area). There are a few exceptions, but it gives me hope to see the bright spots I've seen here. Maybe it's the individualism or the dicipline required to survive out in the middle of a large puddle somewhere when something lays down. who knows? Sorry about the 'mind readin' Willy. JR


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

No offense taken. I mostly come down to the basement for entertainmnet and a break from trying to help people up topside. I enjoy stirring the pot once in awhile. It scratches my occasional masochistic itches. ;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

He should have deployed Hillary... that weapon would scare the bejesus out of most of out enemies.
That's why she will be the next president! ;)

typical Seattle facist Liberal types
HMMMM, I'll have to think about that one.....:}


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

KaGee said:
WillyBWright said:
What war did Clinton declare?

See what I mean Boomer? Uninformed.

Come on now, we know they get their information from The View or David Letterman...8) so thier informed..or should I say misinformed.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Never watched the View longer than it took to reach the remote to shut the TV off. Dave is OK, but Paul is a freakshow. Don't watch that either.

So have you ever watched or listened to anything without Fox or Rush in the title?

( BTW, the Hillary Weapon would scare the bejesus out of friend and foe alike. ;) )


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

WillyBWright said:
Never watched the View longer than it took to reach the remote to shut the TV off. Dave is OK, but Paul is a freakshow. Don't watch that either.

So have you ever watched or listened to anything without Fox or Rush in the title?

( BTW, the Hillary Weapon would scare the bejesus out of friend and foe alike. ;) )

Sure I watch/listen to Glen Beck, I watch CNN, I don't listen to Rush as much as I'd like, and I will not watch MSNBC.

And I agree that the thought of hillary in the White House scares the crap out me.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

WillyBWright said:
Never watched the View longer than it took to reach the remote to shut the TV off. Dave is OK, but Paul is a freakshow. Don't watch that either.

So have you ever watched or listened to anything without Fox or Rush in the title?

( BTW, the Hillary Weapon would scare the bejesus out of friend and foe alike. ;) )

Hey Willy, I know that Libs love to accuse Conservatives of "marching" to the orders of Rush et al. I have been a conservative nearly all my life, (and I'm now a middle aged; soon to be an old fart), and growing up and going to college in Seattle, information without the Liberal bias filter was not easy to acquire prior to first: Rush, (the WSJ and IBD and Barrons were available and as a former Stock Broker: a daily or weekly read). So please understand how wonderfull Fox news is to people who think similar to the way I do, (30% of America + or -). Libs benifit from Fox too! Your point of view is very well represented at ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN, and the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post. Walter Cronkite et al was able to help facilitate a horrible military and political defeat for America, and the Libs were accustom to profiting from horrible failures, (like the Great Depression). Fox is smackin' 'em, and they are all now copyin' Fox, (where there is BOTH a Lib and Conservative view presented), because of that lack of the Lib's slant. I think this healthy development will lead to a much more functional America some day. Respectfully JR

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Uh FYI, there were 3 Republican presidents in office directly before the "Great Depression"......:)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Haut said:
Uh FYI, there were 3 Republican presidents in office directly before the "Great Depression"......:)

Really, No Kidding? How do you think they blamed Republicans Haut? JR

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Don't know, only that Roosevelt (Dem.) had to fix it....;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Haut Medoc Said: Don't know, only that Roosevelt (Dem.) had to fix it....;)

Bro Haut, You think FDR fixed it?? I want to try what ever you are smokin', (or maybe some of the red French wine does that to ya)!!! Socialist projects made it the "Great Depression", (financial panics were fairly short brutal affairs prior to FDR fixin' things), 'The New Deal' did not 'fix' anything, and the Lib's control was sooo great that the Media, Courts and Congress kept things that way 'til WW2 brought us out of what FDR did to us. Come on now let's not start makin' up things now, too many are paying attention these days: Bro Haut. JR


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Haut said:
Don't know, only that Roosevelt (Dem.) had to fix it....;)

Oh come on now Haut, you know it was the Great Wahwra that fixed the depression. Roosevelt just did what Democrats do best and tried to make people feel good. All his programs had virtually no effect on the depression until wahwra production began to ramp up.

But then? some people would say that that was part of his intention to get us involved.;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Barbara Boxer should read the manual....

Socialist projects made it the "Great Depression",
Ya mean like, "Teapot-Dome'? :$
Hoover was in office for 3 years before Roosevelt, BTW....