I have done extensive searching on this subject but would really appreciate some direct opinions. I have a new to me 93 Sea Ray Sundancer 230 23ft. I will be using it primarily on small to medium sized lakes many of which have no readily available towing service. While I will be maintaining the 4.3l mercruser, it is an older boat and things are bound to break. I really want a backup motor to get me back to the boat ramp should worse come to worse. I have looked at 5-10hp kickers but struggling with mounting them on the Sundancer stern and the integrated swim platform. I really prefer the idea of an electric trolling motor that can be stored out of the way in the bilge and be put to use if/when the need arises. Please keep in mind this is strictly for emergencies. I would not be concerned with going anywhere fast as long as I'm making headway. Would a 60-86lb trolling motor suffice my needs or am I wasting my time and $$$$? Seeing as I wouldn't be on rivers or ocean waterways I shouldn't have to worry about fighting tides or currents. What do you think?