Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 3, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Yeah Ross, it'll be a fight alright, but will return to it's namesake in the end ;) . So looking forward to that. Always pull for the Kiwi's after my homeland. You have a great campaign again, but I don't know if it's as strong as the last. And lots of good competition this time around.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

You're right, Mike. I didn't realize there was such a rift there. I racall Wayne Lynch escaping to NZ, though, right? I guess I sometimes tend to group the whole region together. I'll be more careful in the future.<br /><br />Give me some names of some of your local heros. My memory's not what it use to be.

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Sir Edmond Hillary,(climbed a big hill once)Sir Peter Blake,Sailer.Chris Dixon,Sailer. Lord Rutherford,(Split the atom). Kiri Te Kaniwa,Singer.Russel Crowe,Actor.Peter Jackson Director.Rachel Hunter,Got Rod Stewarts money.Dame Susan Devoy, Sqaush. Ross,Kiwi & Mike, boaters. Yep thats about all of them.. From reading the postings I would have to say our boat ramps are one of the things I apreciate the most about New Zealand. I rarely if ever wait to launch/retreve I can't imagine the bun fight it must be at some big city ramps.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

HERO's<br />ANZAC's - every bloody one of them!<br />Katherine Mansfield - author<br />Chris Amon - racing<br />Neroli Fairhall - archer<br />Jack Lovelock - athlete<br />Yvette Williams - athlete<br />Murray Halberg - athlete<br />Sir Charles Upham VC & bar - war hero<br /><br />I'm going to include the 24 I work with every day. Each morning they wake up and have to find the strength to continue for another 24 hours. They are also my hero's.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Ross, what kind of work do you all do?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Russell Crowe. Born in NZ, moved to OZ.<br /><br />There's that plundering thing again, I guess.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Bob, I'm a Registered Psychiatric Nurse, I work as the night Co-Ordinator at an Acute In-patient Psychiatric Unit here in NZ. We have 20 patients in the Acute Unit and 4 in the Intensive Care Unit. Attatched we also have 5 more in rehabilitation, but I have little to do with them at night.<br />Ross


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Ross, that makes you a natural for communicating with this bunch!<br /><br />By the way, that's a really impressive list of heros from such a small area.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Ross, <br />My sister is an RN and while working with some of the same folks as you, she had a close call. One of the patients was not given medicine as the Dr. ordered, by another nurse. My sister was attacked and hurt by the patient but not permanently...she will only work with children or teach now. <br /><br />I am sure your job is dangerous, I hope it is rewarding.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

I've got a question.....Why do they call it New Zeland?<br /><br />What I mean to say is....Is there an old Zeland floating around down there somewhere?<br /><br />Derwood.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Derwood<br /><br />New Zealand was named by a dutch explorer called Abel Tasman - the same guy that the Tasman sea (between NZ and Australia) was named after.<br /><br />(Old) Zealand is a province of Holland ;) <br /><br />Later an Englishman named Captain James Cook stumbled across NZ on his travels and that led to this land being settled by British folk and becoming part of the British Empire.<br /><br />Of course other people were here before us white folk, such as the Maori who came here hundreds of years earlier in great canoes, down from the Pacific Islands.<br /><br />The Maori people call NZ "Aotearoa" - "land of the long white cloud". Many people still call it that today, although New Zealand is the official name.<br /><br />We'll be testing you guys on all this info later on... ;)

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Yes Capt Bob, it has it's dangers at times, I'm presently recovering from a bite to the leg. A humans mouth is really quite dirty and this wound took a while to heal. Two weeks to heal over and not need a dressing is long enough. <br />In 20 years ofthis I've been assualted about 4 times. This sounds bad but when you look closely enough at all the issues then there is a certain amount of cause on both sides. One learns from it all. <br /><br />Yes it is great that you folk from overseas take an interest in little ole NZ as we often get forgotten down here. A lot of folk think we're part of Oz, or some tiny South Pacific isle, when we are a proud nation full of many different and diverse cultures all melted down on a couple of big islands called New Zealand. <br />We appesar to hold our own in the world stakes, have chaired major committees with the United Nations and offer assistance to numerous overseas countries. We dont pretend to be a big contender in the world security and it would be ludicrus to attempt to do so.<br />This Kiwi thinks this makes us ultra aware of the events changing the world today and keeps us on the edge of our seats. When we hear of the USA or Russia, France, Britian, Argentina, Spain, Germany, China or even Japan getting all powered up for a pow wow then we loo closely at the issues. Usually because this has a direct link to our country through the economy, finance, defence and manpower offered up.<br />The thing most folk here notice would be how quickly the petrol companies put up the price of fuel, (already up a lot in the last few months).<br />Yes don't forget us, we've been there, fought alongside most other countries and lost our fair share of men and equipment. <br />Ross

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

They bit you? On the leg? What were they doing Chewing your leg Ross? With that and your neighbours seal you lead a very full and exiting life me O'l mate. Out of all the famous Kiwis Captain Charles Upham is the standout for me. This shy retiring Cantabrian gets overseas and shines like a beacon. I like the way he led from the front and had earned the respect of his men, they really loved serving under him. He was a big fan of hand grenades and had a serious attitude problem with the enemy, even in POW camps. Fame sat uncomfortably with him, a capable yet humble man. Very Kiwi. Good choice Ross. Was he Knighted?

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Yes sir,<br />Title - Sir Charles Upham VC & bar QSM<br />Ross


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Ross & Mike<br /><br />Don't forget Sir Keith Park - a major player in winning of the Battle of Britain. He's someone who I think always deserved more recognition than he got back home in NZ.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Americans take note ;) Check out Richard Pearse, the pioneer of powered flight - 8 months before the Wright brothers first flight.... <br /><br /> <br /><br />Check out the following link for more NZ heros ;) <br /><br />