Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
What's it like there? I went to a NZ site and I couldn't believe how diversified it is. Not only the people but the geography as well. I get so wrapped up in my own little world, I have to be reminded that there is so much more out there!<br /><br />Where do you boat? I see there are several lakes aw well as LOTS of salt water around you.<br /><br />I checked out the currency exchange rate and at .46 on the American dollar it sounds like a great place to visit, money wise, and the scenery is fantastic. Do you live in the city?<br /><br />One last question...which side of the road do you drive on...when your sober? :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Hi Capt Bob<br /><br />Thanks for your interest...<br /><br />Yes, Auckland is surrounded by sea water on both the east and west coasts. It's a moderate climate so you can go boating most times of the year (except when the weather's not so good like the last month or so).<br /><br />You're right about the exchange rate. You'd be a rich man down here with your US dollars exchanging for more than two of ours. Americans generally find their NZ holiday very good value for money.<br /><br />The fishing is great all around NZ. In Auckland we mainly fish for snapper, which is a good eating fish. Further south, in the lakes you get some great trout fishing. Lots of other types too of course.<br /><br />We drive on the left side of the road, like the Aussies, Japs & Brits - now that should give you a thrill !<br /><br />I think you'd find the pace here slow and relaxed. It's a clean green country - great for outdoor activities, including skiiing (in the mountains during winter), boating of course, fishing, tramping, hunting... (what else have I forgotten Ross?).<br /><br />We had a yarn about Auckland in the Americas Cup thread a few months back. You should see lots of pictures of Auckland if you follow the America's Cup races on tv - it's about to start in a few weeks time.<br /><br />;f=4;t=000035 <br /><br />Somewhere in that thread I put some pictures in of Auckland's harbour.

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Thanks for the link to the America's cup thread...I just came from there and saw all of the pictures of NZ..fantastic. I also liked your idea of starting a thread about where each of the members are from and some information about their area etc. I would enjoy reading the posts but would have nothing to contribute about Atlanta, Ga. as far as what a great place to live it is. That is why I do most of my boating on the East coast. I do drop the Silverline in the lakes from time to time when I can't get to the coast.<br />Beautiful country, NZ, maybe the wife and I will get there someday....and take a taxi. :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

You forgot surfing. Many of the all-time greatest names in the world have come from down under. Your own Wayne Lynch, for instance. The "Bronzed Aussies" team changed the sport forever. Names like Bartholomew, Cairns, Carrol, Kong, Occy, Drouyne, Richards, Horan, and a host of others will live forever in the annals of professional surfing.<br /><br />I've bumped into some of them at events around the globe, and I'm here to tell ya, these guys are fearless! It's something about the rugged country that spawned their competitive nature. And it's really dangerous to go drinking with them! There are no boundaries! Truly, they have "no fear". They'll fight anybody, or a group of anybodys, and ya kinda get dragged into it. It happens quite suddenly.<br /><br />Haven't been there yet. Had a trip planned to Fiji, but something came up. My friends that have gone say it's a mighty long airplane ride, and I'm gettin' a little too old for all that excitement, anymore.<br /><br />You should go, Bob.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Nothing in Atlanta????<br /><br />What about the Braves?!?!<br /><br />Atlanta is a beautiful city. Wish it hadn't been burned so long ago, though. There's a lot of history around there. We used to stay in a friend's cabin in Elijay every Fall. So many pristine reservoirs for boating and fishing nearby. I think we get numb to some of the great opportunities in our own backyard.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

the land of ZENA THE WARRIOR PRINCESS.. do ya have any other ' kickass ' girls..??

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Beernutz,<br />You may be right about getting numb about our own area but ....Elijay is not Atlanta, trust me. There are many great places to boat and fish within driving distance but the fish are not edible due to wastes being dumped into the lakes and rivers. They actually put out a notice to tell you how many fish and what size you can eat per month to be thanks. <br /><br />Lake Lanier is so used that a small boat is in danger on the weekends due to the churned and confused water. Many new boaters without any boating education and manners make it an unsafe place to be as far as I am concerned. If I had the 56'er here it wouldn't matter...but my little 15' Silverline is another story. I try to boat during the week when the crowd is working.<br /><br />Sounds like you were or are a surfer. Is it like riding a bike where you can get back on at any age or does the ole gravity effect take hold? I never could stand up on a surf board.......but I do like the bougie boards. Thats about all of the excitement I get lately. :D

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Moose,<br />We don't have to go to Nebraska to see your corn. :p <br /><br />Sorry for the cheap shot! :D

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

L O L .. geez what a differance an S . makes.. thanks for the heads up !! before anyone else saw it... had to do a little 'touch-up' .. THANKS again , buddy..<br /><br />by-the-way.. i gotta talk to you...

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Yes we do have a beautiful country here. I could fill a book about the jewels we enjoy here. <br />Today for instance, we launched at Algies Bay just north of Walkworth. Some of the older folk who were in WWII may recall having some R&R in Walkworth, they may recall the dances at the Dennis's farm as well. That was my mothers family farm! <br />
<br />We then shot out into the wild blue yonder to a place called "Flat Rock".<br />
<br />This place "Flat Rock" had a lighthouse on it many years ago before the day of automatic lights. You see my grandfather was a lighthouse keeper and this was the first time I'd ever been to "Flat Rock" so it looked bloody small to have lived on.<br />
<br />During our stop at the rock I turned around and this was the sight of my brother-in-laws boat against the backdrop of Little Barrier Island.
<br />I think we're very lucky and blessed. Why do you think I have the signature "Gods Own, En Zed"?

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Great pictures Ross, thanks for sharing.<br /><br />What are the beaches composed of? Do you have white sand, rock or is it volcanic in nature and dark? One of the pictures looked dark.<br /><br />In the lighthouse picture, I can make out the lighthouse but what is the pointy structure?<br /><br />One more...The water looks like a mill is protected or on a lea shore?<br />Thanks,


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

thats a cute boat :)

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Thanks Capt. Bob.<br />I'm not sure of the reason for the conical building on Flat Rock, a guess would be so it can be seen by ships whose radar is mounted high in the superstructure, the buildings wouldn't reach over about 10m above sea level.<br /> [edit added hours later] - It could be a north cardinal mark. It's seen clearly from the west, north, and east but not the south as the light is in the way!! <br />The darkness is my fault, poor camera work. I'm a basic ameture with the digital camera. I suppose early morning with the sun low wouldn't have helped either.<br /><br />The sand makeup also is beyond my expertise although you're on the money with the volcanic idea. Other rocks about are either sandstone or granite in nature. Our east coast has light colour rock based sand whilst the west coast has generaly iron sand deposits.<br /><br />The flat sea, that's one out of the bag. I have a mate that reckons every time I go out the sea gods make it flat calm. If so then so be it!<br />The area fished was within the Hauraki Gulf which generally has the shelter of the Coromandel Penninsular to the east, and mainland to the west and south. There is usually more wave action there but we encountered a day with 0 to 5 knots wind. It was a blessing. Usually out there I get around 15 to 20 knot winds with the associated waves. The Little barrier Island in the distance would be about 30+ kilometres away so that gives an idea of size.<br /><br />We are very lucky to have such huge areas with protected waters to play in. Theres more along the coast.<br />Ross


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Bob, don't want to change the topic of your thread, but to answer your question, I started surfing 39 yrs ago when I was 18. My son surfed professionally, and I'm still as active as time will allow. It's a lotta work, and sore muscles last a lot longer. It is a lot like riding a bicycle, as you suggested, though. Just not as good as in years past.<br /><br />I've traveled to a lot of distant shores, but the trips I didn't take are the ones that haunt me. That's why I say you should go, if it's something you want to do. My friends who have been down under say that they'd have stayed, if it hadn't been for the strict immigration laws.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

you guys have LOONEY TUNES ( bugs bunny) cartoons over there ..?? also how about the 'three stooges ' ..?? ' ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW' & ect..<br /><br />just curious ...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Hi Crab<br /><br />Yes I've seen all those shows on NZ television at various times...<br /><br />You'd be surprised at the amount of American shows we get here - also a lot of British, Australian and locally made shows. Mind you, I don't watch a lot of television these days...<br /><br />I use CNN as my main source of international news(and so does Saddam I hear...)<br /><br />Beernutz - thanks for reminding me about surfing. That's another strong point for NZ. Surfing is especially good at my favourite holiday location - Whangamata (also great for boating & fishing). <br /><br />

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Hey, Hang on a minute Beernutz; they are all Australian surfers. Thats a small island to the west of N.Z. about 3 hrs by plane. We have a love/hate relationship with OZ like the little brother, big brother thing, we must win at all cost. The only time Kiwis pretend to be Aussies is when the Australian Government send in planes to evacuate their nationals from hot-spots! It is then that Kiwis put on their best Aussie accent and get in the queue to board.(We sold all ours) Great photos Ross.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Auckland, New Zealand........tell us Kiwi

Yea, those buggars across the ditch keep nicking off with our silverware too! (rugby cup, league, soccor, etc). Still we've held onto one particular piece of silver for a few years and it'll be fought over on the water as usual soon.<br />Ross