ATK engines any feedback?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
hello Im looking forward to replace my 305/228 for a 350 from ATK anybody have any experience with them thanks.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

I just got off the phone with ATK a couple of minutes ago. They don't offer any motors in the range you (and I) are looking for.They only build high dress 454s for the big go fast boats.

I was hoping they could help because they are just up the road. Shipping from Michigan Motors is about killing the deal for me there.


Rear Admiral
Mar 26, 2005
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

Your in lauderdale, check out Rapido.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

hey daninja is weird I have the catalog and they have a 350 5.7 part# dcm6. I know about rapido been on Raul shop, but for the price for me is better get it from ATK, I just want to check if anyone have experience with ATK.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

hey daninja is weird I have the catalog and they have a 350 5.7 part# dcm6. I know about rapido been on Raul shop, but for the price for me is better get it from ATK, I just want to check if anyone have experience with ATK.

It's not a marine engine though, is it?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

on the catalog say marine engine with brass plugs.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

on the catalog say marine engine with brass plugs.

Hmmm...Only the 454 shows up on the website and the rep on the phone confirmed it. Is ATK a franchise and I was just talking to the Arlington store?

I've seen their builds on the Speed Channel and would love to put one in the lil' Ray.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

jajajaajaja not unfortunaly NAPA online has nice pics, I used to work with them now Im on the competition, but you can try to download the catalog from ATK and look for it.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

Okay, I just got off the phone with Gearhead Motors. They are the retail distributor for ATK Motors. After talking to a different rep at ATK, we figured out that I had previously been talking to their Performance Department.

This website brought me to the correct contacts.

He told me that they are wholesalers and only sell to dealers/shops that have an account with them. He transferred me to Gearhead Motors, their retail department. $2049 for a drop-in 350(DMA2), shipping included. Shipping alone, I think, saves me $800.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

not bad cost is around 1872$ Im still thinking abot the dcm6, when are you planning to do this repower? I will do mine at the end of summer.


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

not bad cost is around 1872$ Im still thinking abot the dcm6, when are you planning to do this repower? I will do mine at the end of summer.
The SeaRay is in the shop and they were tearing it apart today when I drove by. If it's a head gasket, I'll let them do it.

If it's a cracked block, I may tow it to the Missouri house and replace the motor there over the summer. Still waiting on the boat doctor's prognosis.
Aug 15, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

Here is your feedback on ATK engines; I used to sell remanufactured engines years ago, and in many cases you do get what you pay for. I would NOT recommend an ATK engine for ANY application. Many of them are assembled down south, and they are a pain in the *** if you need to file a labor claim when it fails. For a marine engine especially, not a good fit; when you consider the load that you have a marine engine under. Jasper does build a good engine, but they are way overpriced and you are paying them for their "warranty". If you want cheap, buy it from Autozone, and you will get the same ATK engine(or the option for an ATK, they also sell a PROFormance engine, which is fairly good), and at least if you buy it there, you have a brick and mortar facility that you can talk to if you have an issue. If it were me, I use a local rebuilder that I have a great relationship with, and he does a tremendous job. Try to find somebody that does some performance engine rebuilding locally, or if you want the number of my guy in Missouri, he can ship anywhere I believe. Also, Blumenthal's in Oklahoma City can ship just about anywhere, and they do a damn good job. I think their website is Good luck, don't buy that ATK!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 13, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

thanks 89V, I think because the price I will go with ATK, I have time Im planning to do the repower in november, I like jasper too but of course I will keep checking more options...


Jun 11, 2008
Re: ATK engines any feedback?

Here is your feedback on ATK engines; I used to sell remanufactured engines years ago, and in many cases you do get what you pay for. I would NOT recommend an ATK engine for ANY application. Many of them are assembled down south, and they are a pain in the *** if you need to file a labor claim when it fails. For a marine engine especially, not a good fit; when you consider the load that you have a marine engine under. Jasper does build a good engine, but they are way overpriced and you are paying them for their "warranty". If you want cheap, buy it from Autozone, and you will get the same ATK engine(or the option for an ATK, they also sell a PROFormance engine, which is fairly good), and at least if you buy it there, you have a brick and mortar facility that you can talk to if you have an issue. If it were me, I use a local rebuilder that I have a great relationship with, and he does a tremendous job. Try to find somebody that does some performance engine rebuilding locally, or if you want the number of my guy in Missouri, he can ship anywhere I believe. Also, Blumenthal's in Oklahoma City can ship just about anywhere, and they do a damn good job. I think their website is Good luck, don't buy that ATK!
Hmm...I've actually heard some good things about the ATK Marine Motors.
As far as being assembled "down south", I assume you are talking about their Mexico shop since their U.S. shop is north of both me and betayv. I could drive to their retail store in a couple of hours. I think the shop that has my SeaRay right now is a Jasper installer, so it may be a moot point.

I can either let the shop here in Texas put a Jasper motor in or take the Ray with me to Missouri for the summer and let the pros on Lake Of The Ozarks take a crack at it.