Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head


Jan 31, 2012
Hello all, I have owned this boat for two years it is my first boat, so I am a newby when it comes to boats. I have noticed that I have a rotten bulk head that seperates the gas tank from the engine bay. Does this mean my stringers are rotten to. My floor is still solid with the exception of one spot around the ski locker opening it has broke in one spot. I tapped on my transome with a socket wrinch and it still seemed solid. Any help would be much appriciated.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Hi and welcome Cantrn1135,
Unfortunately there is no easy way to check for rot in the boats' substructure without digging in below the deck...
Sometimes you can get an indication of things through any access opening you may have that allow you to reach some of the underlying structure. Even if you can't get a drill in there, you might be able to get a sharp pick and try to poke through the outer layers of fiberglass and into the underlying might also be able to throw a bunch of light down in there and take some pictures with a camera and see what shows...
Although not normally recommended, you can drill into the transom from the outside, down low or near any previously drilled holes to get a feel for the condition of the wood...
Another thing you can do is remove each of the engine mounting bolts, one at a time, and dig around them to see the condition of the wood.
If you drill into the transom from the outside and find that everything is A-OK, you can just fill those holes with a variety of products...3M 5200, PC-11, Marine-Tex, etc...
A good indication of whether a boat has rot in it is its age...if it is more than 10+ years old and was left exposed in the elements for one or more seasons, the likely hood of it containing rot is very high.
How much and how bad can only be surmised by performing core samples of the underlying substructure.
Pounding on the transom or even bouncing up and down on it does not always indicate that it is solid.
Best of luck and we'll be here to help any way we can.


Jan 31, 2012
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

The year of my boat is a 1991 Armada Sarenza 20 SSE. I have not been able to find much info on the boat model, seems they went out of buisness some time ago. My boat mechanic but a new lower unit on the boat last season and he told me the trasome seemed good and that he checked all of the bolts that connect the outdrive to the transome. I will try and take a few pics of the damaged bulk head. Could I take core samples from inside the boat, from the transome and stringers? Thanks for the reply.


Jan 31, 2012
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

The year of my boat is a 1991 Armada Sarenza 20 SSE. I have not been able to find much info on the boat model, seems they went out of buisness some time ago. My boat mechanic but a new lower unit on the boat last season and he told me the trasome seemed good and that he checked all of the bolts that connect the outdrive to the transome. I will try and take a few pics of the damaged bulk head. Could I take core samples from inside the boat, from the transome and stringers? Thanks for the reply.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Could I take core samples from inside the boat, from the transome and stringers?

Yes, absolutely, if you have access, that is the best...try and take the samples as low and to the rear of the boat as possible...
As far as finding info on our old, out of business boats, it can be tough...there is some info out there on the web, but you just have to take what's available and make do...
At least when it comes to rebuilding our boats, most fiberglass boats are built pretty much the same way, using the same basic materials, so in a sense they are kind of Generic in the way they are built.
From your description, your boat sounds like it is is an I/ replacing the lower unit and checking the bolts on the intermediate unit, it would seem to me to be very difficult to tell if the transom is actually rot-free...IMHO


Jan 31, 2012
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Yes my boat is an I/O it's a 5.8 Omc cobra 351 ford Windsor the motor runs really well and strong. I had the dreaded **** problem with the lower unit last season but I got it replace and fixed now it shifts with no issues. What size of drill bit should I use and if I use 5200 marine sealant will that be good enough to seal the holes.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

A 1/4" to 3/8" drill bit is are going to be looking for light colored and dry shavings...
If they are dark, wet or mushy...No Good...
On the stringers you can drill all the way through with no problem...
On the transom put a piece of tape on the drill bit to keep from going any further than an inch to an 1-1/4" deep...try and do it from the inside, if possible and as down low as possible...
Keep in mind that if you drill into the transom from the outside, you will almost always end up with a noticeable scar from the drill bit...
Yes, you can use 3M 5200 to seal up the holes if all is good...
Fingers crossed for good dry shavings...:)


Jan 31, 2012
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Thanks for the help I will try and downlaod some pictures, I have done some reading up on your boat restoration you did one heck of a job I don't know if I could do that with my boat. Hopefully everything will be ok becuase I don't know what I would do if everything is rotten, I know if you paid someone to do it that can't be cheap.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Thanks for the help I will try and downlaod some pictures, I have done some reading up on your boat restoration you did one heck of a job I don't know if I could do that with my boat. Hopefully everything will be ok becuase I don't know what I would do if everything is rotten, I know if you paid someone to do it that can't be cheap.

You are most welcome...
Believe me, when I started down this restoration road, I never imagined I would be practically building a new boat, but thanks to the many amazing and wonderful individuals on this forum who have helped me out along the way with an endless knowledge base, I have the confidence and skills to take this restoration to the next level...
If you find that you need to do the same, you can be sure that if you have the desire and the willingness to do it, with the help of the all the guys here, you can do it...


Jan 31, 2012
Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head

Well good news I just picked my boat up from the boat mechanic today, and he told me that the transome was solid, he also stated that the rotten bulk head has not reached any other part of the stringers. He said that the stringers where heavily glassed before they attached the bulkhead. He told me that the leak was coming from the rubrail and the swim ladder. I have been doing some research on rub rail kits and found that the taco semi rigid rub rail kit was pricied reasonably. Has anyone dealt with this product before? I also investigated the swim ladder and it appears that the previous owner of the boat just mounted the ladder with plastic anchors and did not use any type of sealent around the screws. I have purshased the 5200 to seal the ladder but are there any better ways to anchor the ladder to the swim platform. My boat has an attached swim platform. Thanks!