Re: Armada Sarenza 20 SSE rotten bulk head
Hi and welcome Cantrn1135,
Unfortunately there is no easy way to check for rot in the boats' substructure without digging in below the deck...
Sometimes you can get an indication of things through any access opening you may have that allow you to reach some of the underlying structure. Even if you can't get a drill in there, you might be able to get a sharp pick and try to poke through the outer layers of fiberglass and into the underlying might also be able to throw a bunch of light down in there and take some pictures with a camera and see what shows...
Although not normally recommended, you can drill into the transom from the outside, down low or near any previously drilled holes to get a feel for the condition of the wood...
Another thing you can do is remove each of the engine mounting bolts, one at a time, and dig around them to see the condition of the wood.
If you drill into the transom from the outside and find that everything is A-OK, you can just fill those holes with a variety of products...3M 5200, PC-11, Marine-Tex, etc...
A good indication of whether a boat has rot in it is its age...if it is more than 10+ years old and was left exposed in the elements for one or more seasons, the likely hood of it containing rot is very high.
How much and how bad can only be surmised by performing core samples of the underlying substructure.
Pounding on the transom or even bouncing up and down on it does not always indicate that it is solid.
Best of luck and we'll be here to help any way we can.