Bonus. Got two hitchhikers with my 10 new neons. Ghost shrimps, two of them. I dropped them into the above left flower vase. Need to learn up on the.
Plus three new baby angels. Their bodies are smaller than a dime. They are veiled angels so fins will be extremely long. But, three days in I see ick devloping. Glad I quarantined them.
What do you use to treat ich? I’ve always favored the salt-and-heat method. The chemical ich treatments (e.g., malachite green) always seem to stain the silicone in my tanks.
got my paludarium up and running. Hard to see the two waterfalls on the right side. The wall is can spray foam covered in portland cement and i moved my hatchet fish form the big tank over to there. I think I have ~15-20 gallons so going to keep bioload low, prob just add bunches of plants and some snails.
Got AC a 40 tall of FB for $40 so I swapped her 20 long - and set it up for a paired set of angels that had spawned in the community tank but of course cory cats love eggs sooo..
first successful hatch. Next one i'm going to pull the eggs into a hatching tank so in the month or two they need to grow i'll be better able to fish them out without tearing up my plants.
I think i set this correctly to anyone can see it, even if you are not on FB. When i got upstairs this morning a few were swimming, by the end they all were and they seemed to take to their first feeding.
A couple of my angels started hooking up in the big tank, but of course in a community tank success is very rare so i put them in my 20 long. This is second batch. I've been giving them away.