AQ270 hub shaft


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2012
I posted this in the prop section, but did not get a response, so I will try here. I am trying to find out how to determine if I have a long or short hub shaft on my AQ125/AQ270 setup on my Bayliner, so I can replace my prop. Thanks for any info.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Shafts are the same. It's the prop itself that determines if it's a long or short hub prop. And they each have different mounting hardware.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2012
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

OK, That is simple, so when I order I just need to make sure to ask if I need to have special hardware to make it fit the shaft.

Why did Volvo have different shaft sizes and why do they continue to make props that are short and long? It seems if there is an advantage everyone would do it on their props, and if there isn't why doesn't Volvo just stick with one hub length and simplify their manufacturing. (Sorry for the added question, I hate it when I start to think about things to much!)

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Why did Volvo have different shaft sizes

Like I said before, the shafts are the same length. Long hub props are consided high speed props, and short hub is considered standard prop, not high speed. What the difference is between them, I have no clue.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2012
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Good info Don, I will tuck that away for they day they make the Trivial Pursuit "I Boat" edition!


Jun 30, 2008
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

If you dont have the center drilled and treaded prop shaft, you're going to need to use the short hub props.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Your information is incorrect Jeff. The sizes may vary from propsaft PN to PN, but the shafts are not designed for short or long props.

If you dont have the center drilled and treaded prop shaft, you're going to need to use the short hub props.

This is true to a point, Volvo also makes a drill jig to drill the prop shaft so the long hub prop and hardware can be used.

Prop LS Hub.jpg


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 24, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Thanks Don. The Aquamatic propeller thing has been a nightmare for me.

Is this correct?
The long hub or short hub prop fits any shaft (with the correct spacer configuration), but if the shaft is not threaded there's no way to lock the long hub propeller to the shaft.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2012
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Thanks again guys, that clears up even more. I am a simple man, so the pictures help. Since I have a short hub now that is a 14 X 17P, and I am looking at wanting to use it mainly to pull skiers, (So top end is not as important). I am looking at a 4 blade long hub that is 14.5 X 17P, or do I need to maybe look at a 15P since I am going to 4 blade?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

Thanks again guys, that clears up even more. I am a simple man, so the pictures help. Since I have a short hub now that is a 14 X 17P, and I am looking at wanting to use it mainly to pull skiers, (So top end is not as important). I am looking at a 4 blade long hub that is 14.5 X 17P, or do I need to maybe look at a 15P since I am going to 4 blade?

That is the kind of question you use the prop forum for.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: AQ270 hub shaft

More info on the long vs short shaft and hub.

I have been doing a lot of searching through Volvo information and just general internet info. Seems there is a short shaft and a long shaft on the single prop drives. But that is all that's known.

Propshaft length.jpg

The problem with the information, is there is no way knowing which drive uses which shaft. No part numbers, no VP info, just some diagrams like above showing the different lengths.
Could be one is from really old 200 drives and the other is newer. Have no clue since VP never mentions it.
The difference between the long and short shafts is the same as the thickness of the line cutter spacer. So maybe the different lengths are due to adding the line cutter in newer drives and Volvo needed some more room.

Along with that wonderful information is the fact that the manual picture I posted earlier doesn't really give quality info on the prop hardware, and the differences about the drilled and non drilled propshaft hardware. Found the info that shows that.

Short hub hardware.jpg Long Hub hardware.jpg