Re: Anyone gone on a Texas hog hunt?
Here in Georgia I've hunted both deer and hogs at that same time. They both roam similar areas and cover large areas too. but one thing hogs do that deer don't do, hogs usually roam in large family groups and for some strange reason, hogs can't stay quiet. You can hear them coming a long way off most of the time. So once you do see a hog, you will most likely see an entire family with all sizes as well. From little football sizes to huge boars as well. If you are hunting them to eat, don't shoot the larger ones. Hogs in the 125lbs range are great to consume. But if you are looking to take a huge boar, then be patient and he will come along as well... If you are a great shot, you could even get a few before they scatted extremely quickly. They can outrun any deer....