Anyone else cry or get choked?


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

jk. Anybody that says they don't cry is full of it. It's a natural part of the human condition.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Spent a lot of years on the road sometimes three thousand miles a week. when you spend that amount of time driving a person tends to see a lot o f accidents. but nothing got this ex Marine blubbering like 9/11


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2004
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Comes and goes with different triggers, lots of different books about WW2, Rape of Nanking, War in the Pacific, some war movies, Saving private Ryan, and some others.<br /><br />I've always been such a cynical *****, but anything with my kids good or bad takes a toll.<br /><br />Trying to tell my wife how much I love her is probable the hardest thing to do.<br /><br />Spud


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Good thing Costco sells kleenex by the gross.<br /><br />Too many wonderful things to list that touch my heart and remind me to appreciate my blessings.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Heck and I thought I was the only one getting soft as I age. It just seems that the older I get the more that hard edge wears away.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

I used to never cry at movies, get choked up over silly sentimental stuff, or feel my eyes well up on hearing of personal tragedy until I had been nearly killed in an auto accident, spent months in hospitals getting fixed, then fixed some more then some more until I said stop operating on me, I can live with this. <br />Then off to physical rehab and all the suffering the nurses put you through to recuperate...<br /><br />Yep, nothing like "been there done that" to help you relate to others tragedies.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

rarely, except tonight when my Bride called to check in. She is a CNA at an Assisted Living deal. Some residents there choose to die there. All legal and so forth.<br /><br />One Wonderful Woman is pretty close to being on Her way tonight. And is expected to pass tonight.<br /><br />Derned hard job my Wife has. Hairs on my arms went up while on the phone with my Bride...............I put our kids to bed a few moments ago, sleeping like babes,...thought about this topic, ........reflecting now....


Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

I get choked (PROUD TO SAY IT) when I face the American flag and sing the national anthem or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.<br /><br />Call me "old fashioned".


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Anybody else read Cormack McCarthy's Border Trilogy? GREAT read, Western about teens on the US/ Mexico border around 1950. About 5% of the book is in Spanish (dialogue spoken in the story in Spanish isn't translated, but you can still follow the story, even if you don't know spanish. But I did get my spanish/english dictionary out to look up key words if I couldn't get the gist of the dialogue from the context of the discussion). <br /><br />The Crossing , the second book in the trilogy was described by a reviewer as 'Heartwrenching', and I'd call that an understatement if I could think of a word stronger than heartwrenching...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Anyone else cry or get choked?

Originally posted by deputydawg:<br /> More often than I can say. I have learned to shut it off when needed, but some nights when everyone else is asleep it just comes out. Not as much by the news reports, I can diss assoctaie from that easy enough, mine is real life.<br /><br />I even got choked up when I took my kids to see Care Bears live. Seeing the joy and amazement was too much. It re-fueled my mind for more.<br /><br />Things sure change when we get older and have our own children!
Knowing what you do for a living, and what you must see day in and day out, I think it is good that you can let it out and "refuel." Glad to hear you could have such a magical moment with your kids, they will undoubtedly remember that time with dad, but for other reasons than dad was choked up, and that's what I think is magical. I could not and do not want to imagine some of what you have. I have read some of your posts DD, and want to again say "Thanks for doing a job most of us really do not want to do."<br /><br />I am 37, and sometimes get choked up and think, "Why am I so emotional?" Sometimes it's for really stupid things. I get teary when kids are involved in any injury or harm. I've always been sensitive, but it seems to get worse (or better) as I age.