Where did you buy your paint?
I hate those Wagner sprayers. I have a commercial airless sprayer but it takes so long to clean after I use it that I prefer just to roll.
That's why I just roll paint now. Too much pain with masking.
Those are a pain. That's why I remove them.I've tried rolling in the past at other houses only to have the popcorn come right off and was forced to spray.
You can easily take a compression sprayer ($10 dollar little spray from WalyMart) and a little water and spray the ceiling and wait about five minutes and take a wide bladed putty type knife and scrap that popcorn ceiling off so easily. And then just roll on some quality paint and looks new and fresh. Popcorn ceilings are old news around where I live now. Seem they are not being installed in any new homes anymore... I even removed them in my house so easily and like the results a ton better. But it is a personal choice... JMHO!
Well done on the negotiation. Come up with some bs, i mean accurate reason yours is"less comparable"to get the lower tax bill