Anybody in Brigantine


Mar 13, 2005
Wondering if any body is in the brigantine, NJ area I just put my boat there in the north end, and I'm bit confused about the channel or lack of one, also using Ique GPS with bluechart and I don't agree with some of the soundings any thoughts there :confused: :confused:


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

I'm not in Brigantine, but I know the channel going out of Little Egg Inlet is, well, interesting. It takes a couple tight turns in a few spots. There's also one spot that has two red markers, make sure you stay to the inside of the inner one, not the outer one, because there's a big sandbar there. Trust me. <br /><br />I have a navionics chart in my Garmin 230 that is a few years old, maybe even back to 1997. I know that the tip of LBI is completely wrong on my chart, there is open water on the chart where there in reality is a whole lot of sand. Maybe 1/8 to 1/4 mile of discrepancy. <br /><br />The inlet and the bay changes regularly down here I'm told. Trust your sonar not your chart especially near the inlets.


Mar 13, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Thanks Stiff.. I just got my bluechart on friday and I was looking through it at and noticed that right off my marina it shows 30', I know for a fact that its less than 2' because I almost got stuck in it.. I should have taken a left out of the marina maybe somebody forgot a decimal point somewhere...


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Nope, it's just that the sand shifts so often and so drastically that you have to know where to go on a season to season basis. Watch the markers and follow other boats for the first few trips to get familiar with some good channels to run through, then just follow your tracks on the GPS and monitor your depth to see if it's changing over the course of the year. <br /><br />Good Luck!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Sounds like you're up by the public ramp area. Yes the mud/sands changes ALOT in the back waters. Charts are really nothing more than numbers on well...... a chart. Observe the channels at LOW tide, use your GPS and mark the shoals on your chart (paper) for use in the future. I have not been up that way in a long time, but still remember having to watch the channel very closely. I now stay south of AC since I keep the boat in EHT.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 30, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

I run out of Tuckerton to LE Inlet. You're best bet is just to go slow. That way if it starts to get shallow, you can just back out. Just be aware that some channels are under 3' at low tide.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

anybody goes out of shark river? belmar n.j ? just wanted to know more about the dept and channel in shark river. i also go out of tuckerton i think its horrible too low!! always pulling up and moving back in the channel . going out of the inlet its also bad. lots of low spots.


Mar 13, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Amazing over the past month they accually marked most of the chanels here in the north end of brigantine of course they have not marked out the inlet.. been going up there in low tied to see all the sand bars, more than I thought.. while I'm here any good fishing holes up that area, once I get enought nerve I like to go out in the surf couple of miles out..


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

The GE REEF is doing ok. Just went out Saturday and picked 2 keeper flounder and 6 NICE sea bass. At about 6.5 - 7 miles off AC, it's a nice way to go. I've caught nice snapper blues and weakfish on peanut bunker at the north end years ago. I run out of Patcong Creek now.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 30, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

You guys running out of Tuckerton, how's the fishing inshore. We're a bit wary about goin outside too far. It seems that a good day is putting one fish in the box. Is anyone else doing any better in the bay?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 27, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

hey aj 168 your 5 minites from where i work and 20 from where i live. anyway i think it awful inshore and in the bay i think tuckerton is one awful spot for fishing i am going to belmar hopefully on wednesday i will let you know hoe it is. also rairitan bay up north is a much better spot also. maybe you can follow me up to rairitian bay and i can show you where its at. p.s i live in brownsmills. russ


Mar 13, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

I have to agree with AJ Great Egg Reef is bit far for my 18' cuddy from the inlet its about 7 miles the day would have to be perfect, I'm talking about maybe 2 miles out if things get harry I can make a short hop back to the inlet..<br />or maybe I need to get over my fear of open water in a bath tub being pound by 3 ft waves.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 8, 2004
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Sure you have to pick your days with an 18' boat. I have to pick mine with a 23' walkaround too. If you can get the chance try the GE REEF. It will be worth the run. I had run my old 20' Proline to the 750 square, and yes I picked my days. I would not advocate doing anything you are not comfortable with though. If you want some tautog, get some green or calico crab and fish the pilings at Steele Pier on high tide. Many big ones in there.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 30, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Yesterday we tried going outside a little bit, just a few miles from the inlet. We ran north to between the white and red water towers on LBI. All we did was waste fuel. Picked up one skate. But that's about as far as we're willing to go, even in a 22 footer. <br /><br />I'm not quite sure where Steele Pier is. Is that over by the stink house? The only place in Great Bay that I know of to catch taug is along the sod banks by the piles of clam shells.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

The Little Egg Reef has been good to me this year. Some fluke, lots of sea bass, and guarenteed to catch skates, sea robins and all kinds of sharks. Worth the trip, just over 5 miles from the mouth of the inlet accordig to my GPS. Just watch for the "obstruction" about 1/2 way there, if you make a straight line out it'll be a little to your left I think. It's marked with a "danger bouy". About 3 miles out in 40 feet of water and all of a sunden the water ahead of you turns brown and the depth finder starts to get shallow quick. Just keep your eyes open. :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 30, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

Do you have any GPS coordinates/compass headings?


Jul 9, 2005
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

andre i launch my boat from brigantine also. i have only taken it out once since i bought it not to long ago. during the test run i went out during low tide and im watching my depth finder go from 18 feet to 4 feet then drop back down to 20 feet so there must be alot of sandbars there... but i ussaly fish the surf and jetty using my 4x4 pass to drive on the beach, im new to boating where are some good fishing spots from a boat in the backwaters of brigantine?


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: Anybody in Brigantine

AJ I have the GPS coords but I'm at work right now. I have the six main piles on the reef marked and the marks are good because they produce fish so far. :) <br /><br />I also marked another weird thing there that popped up on the sonar a couple times, not on the chart of the reef but whatever it is sticks up about 15-20 feet off the bottom (60 feet of water there). Picked it up more than once so it wasn't a false echo. Maybe a big ship or something. I haven't fished it yet, maybe next time out. :)