Any packing or travel advice for Mexico Trip?


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Just got a call from my credit card fraud department. It seems someone made a duplicate card and has been trying to make large purchases in Mexico. The biggest was $2,000 usd at the Cabo Home Depot and some other large ones elsewhere. None of the purchases went through luckily. Nice.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Just got a call from my credit card fraud department. It seems someone made a duplicate card and has been trying to make large purchases in Mexico. The biggest was $2,000 usd at the Cabo Home Depot and some other large ones elsewhere. None of the purchases went through luckily. Nice.

Just read this. I travel to our Mexico plant a couple of times a year. Keep your credit card in view when using it. Some places want to "take it in the back room" to process it. make them bring the machine to you or don't make the purchase. Bars / restaurants are prime candidates for this. Will not stop everything that could happen but will minimise it.