Re: any good ideas on how to avoid underwater objects?
Add to that in areas like where I boat, and it sounds like you too OP, the water obstacles can and do change by the minute. Partially submerged waterlogged downed trees can float along just a few inches under the water and be nearly impossible to see sitting still, much less while in motion. You can learn the underwater topography by heart, and still hit an old tree stump. There is just no way to ever actually "know" what is under there. Just like you said, the topography can change drastically with a nearly imperceptible change in water level. So even if you have piloted this section a hundred times with no issues, today may be different. I once sheared a prop in open water, that we (and thousands of others) had driven for years. A tree stump had come loose from the bottom and had been moved around by some recent TVA activity. It was buoyant at around 10" under the surface apparently, and was completely invisible at 20 mph. I was in 100+' of water. I doubt very seriously that even if I had a super sonar, and I had been watching it instead of out in front of me, and it had somehow managed to read this obstacle and transmit it instantly to the screen, that I would have been able to see, understand, and react in time to do anything. Sometimes, you just have to go by the rule of s**t happens, and be prepared.