Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."


Oct 30, 2002
Seems every year we have more encounters. These<br />bears are losing there habitat to human encroachment.This bear killed for food.<br /><br /><br />Monday, June 06, 2005<br /> <br />Isabelle Dube, a well-known competitive mountain biker, was killed by a grizzly bear Sunday afternoon on a popular hiking trail while jogging with two friends, shocking residents in this mountain community 90 kilometres west of Calgary.<br /><br />Fish and wildlife officers later shot and killed the grizzly, the same bear they had relocated from the area just eight days before.<br /><br />Dube, who competed in the TransRockies Challenge and was well-known in the cycling community, was jogging with her racing companion, Maria Hawkins, and another runner when they were attacked by the bear about 2 p.m.<br /><br />Dube's two jogging companions ran for help to nearby SilverTip Golf Course and were not harmed, said Cpl. Brad Freer of the Canmore RCMP. Police would not confirm the identity of the victim Sunday, but several friends said it was Dube.<br /><br />Cameron Baty, one of three mountain bikers who came upon the scene shortly after the bear attack, said the grizzly approached them over a fallen log but did not attack.<br /><br />"It behaved like it was guarding a kill," Baty said. He was upset the bear was the same grizzly removed from the area May 28.<br /><br />"I don't know the history of this bear, but if the bear was thought to pose a threat to the community, it should have been shot. I've been around bears most of my life and and in my opinion if a bear is scared away and comes back, you need to shoot it or something like this happens."<br /><br />Donna Babchishin, a spokesperson for Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, confirmed the bear was the same 200-pound, four-year-old grizzly removed from the upper Cougar Creek area, a residential area east of SilverTip, just over a week ago.<br /><br />The grizzly had been wandering from Harvey Heights, west of Canmore, through the SilverTip Golf Course and into upper Cougar Creek where it was trapped May 27.<br /><br />The bear was relocated after approaching Canmore resident Niki Davison, who was photographing wildflowers.<br /><br />The bear was tranquilized, fitted with a radio collar and flown the following day by helicopter to the Carrot Creek area, a short distance inside the east boundary of Banff National Park.<br /><br />Babchishin said bears that have no previous aggressive behavior are commonly relocated within their home range.<br /><br />The bear was being monitored and had not moved from Carrot Creek until it moved into the SilverTip area about 1 p.m. Sunday, said Babchishin.<br /><br />"It's been a pretty overwhelming day, especially with our feelings of sympathy for the family," Babchishin said. "This is so very hard, particularly in a community like Canmore, where people are so close and live with this reality and the fear that this could happen. I think it will affect people deeply there."<br /><br />Brian Stevens, the clubhouse manager at SilverTip golf course in Canmore, said the club's maintenance crew scared the Grizzly off the 18th green after it was spotted at about 9:30 a.m.<br /><br />He said the bear was spooked and ran up into the tree line above the course.<br /><br />"We get them all the time," said Stevens specifically mentioning the 198-pound Grizzly, which was caught in a bear trap on May 27 after being spotted on the fifth fairway.<br /><br /><br />Canmore Mayor Ron Casey called it "a sad day" and said the attack will intensify debate around development in Canmore.<br /><br />In recent years, environmentalists have fought for wildlife corridors on the outskirts of the community of 13,000, where resort golf courses and million-dollar mountain chalets have expanded into what was once prime wildlife habitat.<br /><br />"If we want to try to cohabitate with wildlife, as sad as these occurrences are, they are also a fact of where we live," Casey sad.<br /><br />Baty said Canmore's strong environmental lobby has made it more difficult for recreational trail users.<br /><br />"The view in town is that bears have more rights than we do. As humans, we have a right to live here as well."<br /><br />Baty was cycling on the lower section of the Montane Traverse, about one kilometre west of SilverTip golf course, with friends Brent Rosvold and Ari Carriere when they came upon the bear, which was behind a fallen tree. The three Canmore residents retreated to the ninth fairway at SilverTip, where the victim's jogging companions had fled to safety.<br /><br />The trio and the women's companions directed RCMP and fish and wildlife officers to the site, following cautiously. A wildlife officer shot the bear.<br /><br />Dube was the first person killed by a bear in Alberta since 1998.<br /><br />Since 1992, there have been two deaths and 23 maulings by bears in Alberta.<br /><br />rremington@theherald<br /><br /><br />


Jul 31, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Thats sad when the bear was already a known problem bear. Shoulda put it a long way from people.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

I just saw something on 60 minutes the other night about grizzlies. They are still an "endangered" species in some spots and the eco-nazi's are lobbying to keep them on the list even though their population is booming.<br /><br />I say if you are going into bear country, you have to be prepared. At least carry a can of pepper spray if not a .44 mag. I get a kick out of the city folk that move into bear or mountain lion country, and think they are going to "peacefully cohabitate" with them.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by NOSLEEP:<br /> Seems every year we have more encounters. These<br />bears are losing there habitat to human encroachment.
this is part of the problem the other half to this is that we have lost respect for these animals. The Indians lived side by side with these creatures with less trouble then we have now. Modern times and thought is all fine but we should still remember old teachings.<br /><br />
Isabelle Dube, was killed by a grizzly bear Sunday afternoon on a popular hiking trail while jogging with two friends,
This could have caused the bear to attack he sees an animal running through the woods probably not making alot of noise. May look like a scared easy meal to him. <br /><br />
"I don't know the history of this bear, but if the bear was thought to pose a threat to the community, it should have been shot. I've been around bears most of my life and and in my opinion if a bear is scared away and comes back, you need to shoot it or something like this happens."
I do agree that we need to find away to stop animals from being a threat, but why do humans think they are God and the answer to everything is shoot it? This bear maybe should have been moved farther away, why was it a problem in the 1st place, where some folks feeding it to begain with? Education for people is the best way to start a cure to the problem. Society seems to have away of screwing things up and then the answer to fix it is shoot what we have created. <br /><br />
the bear was the same 200-pound, four-year-old grizzly removed from the upper Cougar Creek area, a residential area east of SilverTip, just over a week ago.
what was the reason? I know of many cases up here where bears become a problem because people say look at the cute little teddy so they start throwing food to them next thing they know ooopps teddy can have an aditude.<br /><br />
Babchishin said bears that have no previous aggressive behavior are commonly relocated within their home range.
Once again this bear was not that big someone may have been feeding it. move the bear away from its food source but don't fix the problem. The bear sees a human and thinks well the last human I was around had food so this one must also be able to give food. The bear may not have been a killer before because it was content in its area. Instead of fixing the problem the problem actually was made bigger.<br /><br /><br />
Brian Stevens, the clubhouse manager at SilverTip golf course in Canmore, said the club's maintenance crew scared the Grizzly off the 18th green after it was spotted at about 9:30 a.m.
once again was this bear doing what it was taught, go to the human for food?<br /><br />
In recent years, environmentalists have fought for wildlife corridors on the outskirts of the community of 13,000, where resort golf courses and million-dollar mountain chalets have expanded into what was once prime wildlife habitat.
Another question or thought is it human greed that could be causing a problem? How many golf courses do we really need for the rich.<br /><br />
Baty said Canmore's strong environmental lobby has made it more difficult for recreational trail users.
If you don't want to get burnt then don't play with fire. If you are going to play with fire then except the end result whether it be good or in this case bad. Most of all learn to respect the area and learn that humans are not perfect creatures.<br /><br />
"The view in town is that bears have more rights than we do. As humans, we have a right to live here as well."
this qoute "gets me" and shouts stupidity. Bears do not know about our perfect world and how we feel things should be. Humans are suppose to be the smarter creature but instead of becoming educated and learning we place blame. Of course we love to place blame on the thing that can't defend itself against our stupidity. We can live with the bear it has been done for thousands of years but with our growing population and less education of nature we are lossing the battle and could easily loose a very important part of our being "the bear and nature"<br /><br />
Dube was the first person killed by a bear in Alberta since 1998.
It is a terrible shame that this person died but 8 years does not make the bear a bad creature. If the bear is horrible for killing 1 in 8 years what does that make us?<br /> <br />I am not trying to sound bitter towards the death of another what I am bitter about is how we destroy nature then try to make our stink smell like a rose. We need to quit blaming nature for our mistakes and start taking responsibility for our actions.

Dave Abrahamson

May 8, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by 20/20:<br />The Indians lived side by side with these creatures with less trouble then we have now.
That's a pretty broad statement. How can anyone possibly know that? There could have been an Indian a day killed by bears. Who would know?


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

I think the bears would know Dave :D :D <br />It kills me the X perts are saying if it's a black bear to fight it or try to scare it {YEAH RIGHT] A grizzly they say to back up slowly or play dead man o man move slow so it can get you easier, play dead so it don't have to do nothing but eat you I've been in the wilds in B C and we always carry BEAR SPRAY and RIFLES it's the only way darn idiots


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by dolluper:<br /> X perts are saying if it's a black bear to fight it or try to scare it {YEAH RIGHT] A grizzly they say to back up slowly or play dead
I've read quite a few articles about bear attacks. I don't know how in the heck you can play dead when a grizzly is knawing on your skull. We don't have grizzlies around here, but hunters are taught that if you play dead on a black bear you soon will be. When they attack it is to kill and eat you.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 18, 2005
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Here is reality yall<br />last year fewer than 20 people (worldwide) died due to bear attack.<br />However for every 1 person attacked humans killed over 25000 bears.<br />If I was a Bear I'd wack everyone I saw.<br />Later<


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

First off I am not hunter or firearm collector, nor do I agree with the senseless killing of any animal. But it seems to me most of the statements posted by 20/20 in response to the original post are “pretty broad”. <br /><br />Grizzly Bears are high level predators. The only North American predator above them (other than a polar Bear) is man. That instinct has driven mankind since day one. I do agree any one choosing to live in close proximity to these predators assumes the risk, and needs to be educated as to their instincts and habits. If I choose to visit Yellow Stone, Glacier, or any other National Park, should I encounter any wild life I am responsible for my own safety. And BTW only Park Rangers and Officials are allowed to carry firearms in National Parks, so you have to leave the trusty side arm at home.<br /><br /><br /> Ya know what a Grizz calls Pepper Spray…………<br /><br /><br /> Seasoning!!!!


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Bears!! Watched a cut on Headline News about Moose in the city of Boston. Mass. authorities claim they are averaging 1 highway accident per week involving moose compared to 1 a month a few years ago. Sound like new developments are driving the wild life into the populated areas in search of food. I guess to a grizzly, a jogger looks like prime rib?


Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Sound like new developments are driving the wild life into the populated areas in search of food.
OR, lack of predation is driving overpopulated herds into human activity. Animals will continue to grow their populations as long as food is available.<br /><br />But, the eco's would rather see a deer starve to death than be harvested. That's SICK in my book.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

This area were this attack occurred is at the base <br />of the Rocky Mountains just outside the boarder<br />to Banff National park. Canmore is a small alpine<br />community that relies heavily on tourism.<br />A half dozen bears are killed on the highways each<br />year.The Silvertip golf course is only a short walk<br />from the highway. <br />Some people have very little respect for the<br />bears territory and make themselves vulnerable to<br />attack by disregarding them as a real threat as<br />they jog, bike or hike in the bears range.<br />The attacks are becoming more common as more<br />people come to take in the awesome beauty of this<br />park.<br />Carrot Creek were the bear was first moved to is<br />higher up in the range and flows below Lake Minnewanka.<br />Two years ago I had a grizzly outside my camp at<br />Minnewanka. But she was only interested in the<br />berry patches that litter the area as she watched<br />me watching her. <br />As a hunter spending time in the fall outside the<br />parks hunting Elk and Moose. I have yet to cross<br />the path of a grizzly while on foot. I believe a<br />grizzly does not normally attack a person for food.<br />If you run into a grizzly with cubs then you are<br />sure to increase the chance of problems.<br />However a Black bear will attack a human for food<br />considerably more often. That is why the experts<br />say to run and or fight back with a black bear.<br />And to play dead with a grizzly as they are more<br />likely to leave you if they do not feel threatened.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by Dave Abrahamson:<br />That's a pretty broad statement. How can anyone possibly know that? There could have been an Indian a day killed by bears. Who would know?
{Example for north america}Well lets look at it this way at 1 time there were more bears then people. Now if the bear is nothing but a mindless killer then how did the human population get so big. You are correct about people from yesteryear being killed it did happen {allthough I highly doubt it was 1 a day}. The thing is that if you know much about the indians then you would know they felt very highly about the bear wolf etc... and they did learn to respect its space. My statement was broad,{sorry} I was trying to cover alot of topic in as few words as I could. As you can see I still wrote alot. If something bugs you about what I have said ask and I will try to explain better of how I feel and what I have learned.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by Limited-Time:<br /> First off I am not hunter or firearm collector, nor do I agree with the senseless killing of any animal. But it seems to me most of the statements posted by 20/20 in response to the original post are “pretty broad”.
sorry for not explaining better I was trying to fit alot in as little space as possible, not many folks like reading long draged out post. Feel free to pick at my post{maybe piece by piece} and I will try to explain better. <br /><br />
I do agree any one choosing to live in close proximity to these predators assumes the risk, and needs to be educated as to their instincts and habits. If I choose to visit Yellow Stone, Glacier, or any other National Park, should I encounter any wild life I am responsible for my own safety.
this is what I was saying, why hate an animal because a person choose to enter its domain? I was also not saying ANYTHING against hunters I was saying we need education I believe this is the key factor.<br /> <br />
And BTW only Park Rangers and Officials are allowed to carry firearms in National Parks, so you have to leave the trusty side arm at home.
very good point<br /><br /><br />
Ya know what a Grizz calls Pepper Spray…………<br /> Seasoning!!!!
Funny.... Also why would someone want to **** off a 500+ lb critter with big teeth and claws even more then it might allready be. Pepper spray may take care of a few humans but I would bet the most that would happen with a bear is he/she would just get really upset. I have also read about the pepper spray deal and it as been proven not to do much at all. A person would have a better chance if they ran down hill or made themself look bigger and threatening. Of course this does not work in every case ALL cases are different. A mom with cubs sees us walking into her area as a threat so in this case the best defence would be stay away. A male may see us as an easy meal but if we seem bigger and not afraid he may feel it isn't worth the effort. Once again I am not an expert on bear attacks and as far as I can tell there is no human out there that is. For the simple reason that every bear as its own emotions and could do anything at any time. What we do need to do is educate ourselfs if we feel the need to be in their domain. The end result is still except what may happen otherwise stay at home and or visit a zoo.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by DJ:<br />OR, lack of predation is driving overpopulated herds into human activity. Animals will continue to grow their populations as long as food is available.
You have/make a good point there are less human hunters and there are also less animal hunters because of humans taking the big predaters out of certain areas. NJ is in trouble because they have made the black bear population to big and they have protected them from being hunted. There has to be a balance, this balance should be with everything though, including humans.<br /><br />
But, the eco's would rather see a deer starve to death than be harvested. That's SICK in my book.
I don't know if this was a slam at me or not if so go back and read my 1st post I did not say anything against responsible hunters. I have been a hunter for years and would rather see someone hunt for food then drive up to 1 of the million Mc D's{that we need like a hole in the head}. If you were directing a slam at me then please go back and pick at my post I will try to do a better job of explaining my point.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Nosleep;<br /> <br />Thanks for your post very well written.


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Hay 20/20 what we carry in the wilds isn't pepper spray [that's a joke to bears]it's a specially formulated formula that is supposed to ward off bears,but I couldn't tell you if it works or not it is very potantent in smell though. Hope I never have to test it, as the warning label does say to use as a last resort maybe it kills them who knows, My uncle picks it up at the outfitters in B.C. and we carry it in the bush


Oct 6, 2003
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Originally posted by myoutboards:<br /> was it yogi?
No! Yogi and BooBoo were in the vicinity, however they were persuit of PIC-I-NIC BASKETS. They were questioned and released. However Smokey is a "BEAR OF INTEREST" :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Another Grizzly attack" jogger killed."

Dolluper;<br /> <br />I realize it isn't actually pepper spray but when we use the term{pepper spray} folks usually get an idea of what we're talking about. A can with some sort of nasty spray in it. Mace, pepper spray or what ever we want to call it, is just a can of irritating liquid.<br /> <br />As far as it working or not I'm with you I don't want to find out. The reason they say "as a last resort" is because there would be that certain % of folks that would run through the woods thinking they had the ultimate bear deflecter. This could end up being a bad thing, the woods would be full of pissed off bears. Plus if the bear is just curious and gets close but was going to run how would it feel if the person attacked 1st? I watched a few videos and read some on this type of product and for the most part it is just another way for a company to make money. Most researchers will say it does not work on a bear that is allready in attack mode. It may be usefull on a calm bear that gets alittle close for comfort, but what would happen if it was a mother with cubs that was just trying to say, "back off I have babies close by"? MAYBE it would be smarter to back off then trying to spray some sort of crap in her face, now she sees you as an attacker. On another note if it is a bear trying to get food, and he/she decides to attack the nasty taste may{??????} change its mind.