Ancient Aliens TV Show is so Silly!


Sep 24, 2004
Maybe the Aliens just have a handy man service or a habitat for humanity type deal going on haha


Aug 18, 2013
I don't know how relevant this might be, but I heard a story about how if we lost our technology through some sort of disaster or breakdown in society, within 3 generations you would have very few if any people left who could confirm that the technology was real. I know that seems crazy but when you think about it we take things like airplanes, cars, computers, telephones, pretty much all modern conveniences for granted. That's because for most of us these things have been an every day part of our lives since we were born. So if all of a sudden all these things stopped working, and people couldn't retain the documentation that they existed or actually worked it wouldn't be long before all the people who saw them work would die off. 50 years? 70 years? After that it would slowly fall into the realm of fantasy or myth.

If that is true, and I believe it is probably true, then there have probably been several types and or levels of technology that have been learned and lost and relearned over the course of human history. I believe mankind has always had the capacity, and desire to improve upon his/her life. So he/she is always loking and thinking "How can I make this job easier". There is so much about ancient man that we don't understand, and since we think we have become the brightest minds mankind has ever seen we don't believe our ancestors had the ability to do tasks that we can't do without our technology. I think a little humility on our part would go along way towards helping us rediscover our ancestors secrets. I don't believe aliens helped man accomplish any of the feats of our past or present. I truly believe we have been endowed by our creator with the ability to think, and problem solve our way out of everything.

Just my opinion, and I'm open minded enough to acknowledge I could be totally wrong. Trust me it wouldn't be the first time.:facepalm:


Jan 13, 2006
I'm thinking you kinda opened up a big ole can of worms with this discussion, because if you cannot see it, touch it, hear it, smell it,, its just speculation.

And there lots of things out there to speculate about

Absolutely correct the show is nothing more than speculation and conjecture how could it not be,,, they have no real fact's that tie any of there information to relaity.They do play it in a very intresting way's... some provacitive... some quite hard to not believe. For my self i find it a intresting speculation on history and keep's my mind open the odd's are definatley in there favor make no mistake.


Jan 13, 2006
I don't know how relevant this might be, but I heard a story about how if we lost our technology through some sort of disaster or breakdown in society, within 3 generations you would have very few if any people left who could confirm that the technology was real. I know that seems crazy but when you think about it we take things like airplanes, cars, computers, telephones, pretty much all modern conveniences for granted. That's because for most of us these things have been an every day part of our lives since we were born. So if all of a sudden all these things stopped working, and people couldn't retain the documentation that they existed or actually worked it wouldn't be long before all the people who saw them work would die off. 50 years? 70 years? After that it would slowly fall into the realm of fantasy or myth.

If that is true, and I believe it is probably true, then there have probably been several types and or levels of technology that have been learned and lost and relearned over the course of human history. I believe mankind has always had the capacity, and desire to improve upon his/her life. So he/she is always loking and thinking "How can I make this job easier". There is so much about ancient man that we don't understand, and since we think we have become the brightest minds mankind has ever seen we don't believe our ancestors had the ability to do tasks that we can't do without our technology. I think a little humility on our part would go along way towards helping us rediscover our ancestors secrets. I don't believe aliens helped man accomplish any of the feats of our past or present. I truly believe we have been endowed by our creator with the ability to think, and problem solve our way out of everything.

Just my opinion, and I'm open minded enough to acknowledge I could be totally wrong. Trust me it wouldn't be the first time.:facepalm:

Good conversation for the mid winter blue's...............:ranger:


Aug 18, 2013
Those are both great links. It's staggering how much knowledge has been lost over the years. We are so proud of ourselves, and maybe rightly so, yet we forget the accomplishments of our present could easily be a repeat of the past.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Reading some of these comments leads me to think about such things in general. If, for some unknown reason, we did have a total disaster occur that wiped out all of humanity completely, there is basically not any form of history that could service. All paper books, computer memories, even metal and stone carvings would be gone. And like some others alluded to, the next educated beings to inhabit this planet would never ever know about what once was... You can't think of even one form of historical repository to survive through a Nuclear type disaster or a major asteroid impacting the Earth and allow any evidence of past inhabitance...not even one! Seem our pest bet is to launch some type rocket into space for such evidence to remain....if that didn't melt being pulled into some sun or crash into some planet and disintegrate in that atmosphere before crashing what's left if anything... :facepalm: :D


Aug 18, 2013
I used to love the show "In Search Of" narrated by Leonard Nimoy. That show would get my mind to wondering on the things in this world we don't understand, and how people try to explain events or situations through science or superstition. I guess ultimately knowledge is what we seek. Without it we tend to either run and hide or break out the pitch forks. The latter probably being the cause for such a lack of knowledge through certain places in history.


More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
I don't want this to get into a religious discussion. This thread is about the show and not about religion. This is about the TV show only. The shows producers and the narrators are clearly atheist. Anything Biblical that is supernatural is explained away by the Alien theory. Ancients clearly had technology , tools and skills you wouldn't think they would have. Precision carvings that would required robotics to do today.. Lifting and moving super heavy objects that would take cranes to do today. ETC This is all explained away by saying Aliens helped or did things for the Ancients. Motive for Aliens to do this is left out
Why would Aliens travel trillions of miles just to train humans to make primitive things in a high tech way?. Not every day you find a beautiful planet like Earth and all its amenities. But no, Aliens just trained/built . Packed up and left.
Earth is like a needle in a haystack. A grain of sand in all the world beaches when compared to how many objects there are in the Universe. How would Aliens find us? By the time our radio signals reach the nearest inhabitable planet it is likely the would have been hit by a life ending asteroid or comet. They would be hearing about a Earth that existed millions of years ago. Other Planets face the same fate we do. Some worse than ours. Jupiter's gravity detours a lot of what could hit the Earth.
I just think the show has an Atheist motive more than they believe Aliens visited the Earth

Here's 3 theories I'll toss you....

1). Aliens came, cross-bred with the primatives here, and so gave rise to the humans we have in current form. The aliens never left, we just became so alike them we can't tell the difference...

2). They came, they taught. They got a message from 'home' that something had happened, and left to go deal with it. We were left with the legacy...

3). They came, they taught, they caught some terrible earth disease and died out.... (read "War of the Worlds")

All pure speculation, and I'm sure there are a thousand other possible scenarios... Or there never were aliens in the first place and we need some other explanation...


redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
I used to love the show "In Search Of" narrated by Leonard Nimoy. That show would get my mind to wondering on the things in this world we don't understand, and how people try to explain events or situations through science or superstition. I guess ultimately knowledge is what we seek. Without it we tend to either run and hide or break out the pitch forks. The latter probably being the cause for such a lack of knowledge through certain places in history.

helluva great show


Sep 24, 2004
Nearest possible planet is 12 light years away. Each light year is 6 TRILLION miles. So that is 72 Trillion miles away.. By comparison, Mars is 33.9 million miles from Earth when it is at its closest point. So Aliens would have to find a way to travel than we know how to. Even the speed of light wouldn't get you anywhere fast. Bad things start happening when you travel close to the speed of light according to what I have read. I have seen making waves in space, bending space and worm holes as options. Although worm holes would collapse before you get through them. How would you know where you are coming out at?
Then there is communications. Radio waves break down as they travel light years



Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
In less than 100 years man flew and went to the moon we have vehicles on other planets and flying way out there (voyaguer), medical knowledge increased and your life span increased as well as all the advances in the sciences.

Thats in 100 years, what will we learn in the next 100 years?

Here's hoping we do not go through another dark period and loose the knowledge we gained.


Aug 18, 2013
Amen to that rbh! Hopefully mankind will keep it's collective head out of it's a**, and realize we're all in this together!

Maybe we need to all take a step back and see this life for what it is. The chance to make this world better for ourselves and those who come after us!


Jun 24, 2006
Nearest possible planet is 12 light years away. Each light year is 6 TRILLION miles. So that is 72 Trillion miles away.. By comparison, Mars is 33.9 million miles from Earth when it is at its closest point. So Aliens would have to find a way to travel than we know how to. Even the speed of light wouldn't get you anywhere fast. Bad things start happening when you travel close to the speed of light according to what I have read. I have seen making waves in space, bending space and worm holes as options. Although worm holes would collapse before you get through them. How would you know where you are coming out at?
Then there is communications. Radio waves break down as they travel light years

Warp drive. Get you there in a hurry.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
I watched the movie Einstein and Eddington the other day, if you get the chance to watch it, it will sum up the relationship between man, nations and science.
Well worth the time to watch it.


Sep 24, 2004
I am giving it all shes got Captain!!! That is not enough Scotty !!! Shes gonna blow if I push it any harder!!!. Well do the best you can.--Kirk out. Warp 8, 9 10. LT ohura? black girl) boobies start shaking. Just what Captain Kirk wanted to happen haha

Warp drive. Get you there in a hurry.