Am I being a jerk?


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Thanks for your answers. Yes I did post the same thing last year. Its seems the over all answer is I have to wait and see it catch my house on fire before I become a non jerk. I guess my vocational background and fire science classes from college make me more aware of the danger than most......but ask the wife and she says Im still a jerk. We wont get into how upset it makes my dog. This am the wife was walking the pooch and when someone shot off a firecracker close by the walk came to an end. The dog (90 lb akita)almost drug the wife 3 blocks home, gez

Understand your point, but as you well know, it not just about you. Until fireworks are outlawed all together, you are going have to deal with the situation and it sound's like "laying down the law", will end up being a no-win situation for everyone, including yourself.

I suggest a long garden hose and a ladder nearby. You can run fire-watch, while everyone else is having fun.

Don't let this drive you nuts.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

what about the law? should we all have a party and bring 13 year old girls to have our way with. Sure its illegal but its real fun. if some of the nieghbors dont like it they should turn there heads and pretend it doesnt happen like when gangsters kill eachother in new jersey and the nieghbors turn there heads.the gangbangers are having fun.the fireworks laws are for protecting homes and people.if its ok to break that law than its ok to break any because your not gonna tell me youve decided this law is ok to break and that one gonna go score some crack and a hooker now.thats my idea of have your fun and ill look the other way. i will have my fun if you look the other way. get the point?


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Am I being a jerk?

So far only one major burn victim in our area because of fireworks (happened last evening). I am sure the scanner will be busy tonight. Fortunately it has showered all day today, so the ground and grass are pretty wet ... should keep the fires down.

Oh, and again this year, no, you are not a jerk, just a concerned citizen trying to uphold the law.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007


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Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007


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Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Am I being a jerk?

You have a lot of options, but only one right way of handling this situation.

Go watch the fireworks. While everyone is distracted watching the display, sneak away and light the guys house on fire.

Everyone including the offending neighbor will assume he accidentially started the fire on his own house. Police and fire departments come, he gets huge fine, maybe jail time.

Next year there will be no firework display. And no one will be calling you a jerk anymore.

Its all in how you handle the problem: The right way.

Sep 5, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Thanks for the comments but it seems to be a non event . Evidently the guy went out of town for the day. Oh well trying to predict what some people will do is like trying to guess which person a mad dog might bite, or which hole a rat might craw into . never can tell. Glad he was gone.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Am I being a jerk?

esky= chilly bin,.........errrrrrrrr, I don't know another name fit is the thing you put your drinks and ice in.....comes in many sizes......some people even put food in then with those frozen block things. Hard plastic, insulated, strong enough to double as a seat.

tinnies= canned beer (thought that one called them that)

riot pack= a silver plastic sort of bag that is filled with wine and stuffed in to a carboard a real convenient handle, and excellant push-type tap. Sizes range from 1 litre (usless) to 4litre (enough to drop most sheilas) and big choice of types for the conesuir.
Empty bags should be re-inflated with air (by blowing thru the tap when you depress the button) enabling you to get the dregs out of the corners, and then you jump on if you don't get 'bounced off in to the scrub', they go off will one hull of a bang.

Bet you don't know what 'Cold Duck' is.


puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Is that not how California cought on fire this week. I think that's what the news said.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007


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Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Last year my idiot neighbors who are a noise problem throughout the year launched one that went awry and went directly into the front of my other neighbor's house. They weren't home and it didn't appear to damage anything, but I assure you if it had been my house, the authorities would have been notified.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2007
Re: Am I being a jerk?

last night my wife myself and the kids were in the pool watching the neighbor lauch off a mortor disply he bought when they were in south carolina. We were having a good time his display was nice then I heard somebody say O-S**T. at that time all I seen was super bright orange glow then heard a boom then It appeard to me the whole pool was on fire with us in it!! After alot of screamimg and saying the f word 999 times and a Gulf war flashback it all turn out my whole family was fine except for being emotionaly upset and ringing ears. I jump out of the pool and jumped the fence and had a few nice words with my neighbor. then a few of his drunk buddys jumped in and wanted to engage in combat with me I was pushed once and then I kicked the legs out from under the pusher(I think I broke my toe) he went down then my wife ordered me to return to my property. One of the other neighbors called the cops they showed up and basicly nothing happened just alot of advising people that fireworks are elegal in PA.. I found out this morning after a visit from my neighbor and him saying sorry 20 times that when he set off the mortor he knocked the tube over when he started to run away and the mortor shot into my yard. He is having another party tonight so I think we will stay in doors;) I love to watch backyard fireworks but when the ediots start drinking thats when it gets interesting.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: Am I being a jerk?

The neighborhood where I live in Saint Paul is like a professional fireworks show on the 4th. And on the 5th, and the 6th. It's against the law, but the mortar shells and other aerial fireworks are going off everywhere.

Since the police department assigns just six patrol units to fireworks enforcement for the city of 250,000 folks, there is no enforcement.

One of the biggest display comes from a house almost across the street from me. There's no point in asking them not to do it, and their whole family shows up from out of town, all with big boxes of fireworks.

So, what I do is sit outside on my lawn chair, with a large fire extinguisher and a garden hose and a ladder, and watch the show. The next day, the neighbor sends his kids out to police up the area, picking up the debris and sweeping the street.

I don't like this annual deal, but it's clear that nothing is going to stop it, so it's best just to watch the show and be prepared to deal with the fallout.

Tomorrow, we'll read in the newspaper where all those fire trucks I heard were heading, I'm sure.


May 20, 2002
Re: Am I being a jerk?

esky= chilly bin,.........errrrrrrrr, I don't know another name fit is the thing you put your drinks and ice in.....comes in many sizes......some people even put food in then with those frozen block things. Hard plastic, insulated, strong enough to double as a seat.

tinnies= canned beer (thought that one called them that)

riot pack= a silver plastic sort of bag that is filled with wine and stuffed in to a carboard a real convenient handle, and excellant push-type tap. Sizes range from 1 litre (usless) to 4litre (enough to drop most sheilas) and big choice of types for the conesuir.
Empty bags should be re-inflated with air (by blowing thru the tap when you depress the button) enabling you to get the dregs out of the corners, and then you jump on if you don't get 'bounced off in to the scrub', they go off will one hull of a bang.

Bet you don't know what 'Cold Duck' is.


Esky must be short for eskimo. In the states we call em "coolers". Tinnies is a new one to me! Box wine is popular at picnics. Never heard of the exposion when you are done."Cold duck" is a sparkling wine served cold here.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Am I being a jerk?

Thanks for the comments but it seems to be a non event . Evidently the guy went out of town for the day. Oh well trying to predict what some people will do is like trying to guess which person a mad dog might bite, or which hole a rat might craw into . never can tell. Glad he was gone.

January 2nd, 2008, 04:07 PM
Master Chief Petty Officer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: charlotte nc
Posts: 814

Re: Advice about illegal fireworks


Thanks for the common sence advice. To follow up with what happined newyears eve is sorta a let down. It seems the neighbor didnt shoot them . Why? He always does. I did notice a cop parked in front of his house for a few minutes around 11 and then saw several more cursing by a little later. I think that others around here may have warned the cops about him and they were waiting this time. He must have gotton scared. Whatever.I didnt call them and am darn glad I didnt shoot my 50 cal at midnight . Maybe they were waiting for me........LOL. shouldnt be anymore about this till the 4th when once again I will put my eye on this guy

Hmmm that's twice the sky did not fall! I guess this is put to rest until New Years again.........


Mar 23, 2008
Re: Am I being a jerk?

January 2nd, 2008, 04:07 PM
Master Chief Petty Officer
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: charlotte nc
Posts: 814

Re: Advice about illegal fireworks


Thanks for the common sence advice. To follow up with what happined newyears eve is sorta a let down. It seems the neighbor didnt shoot them . Why? He always does. I did notice a cop parked in front of his house for a few minutes around 11 and then saw several more cursing by a little later. I think that others around here may have warned the cops about him and they were waiting this time. He must have gotton scared. Whatever.I didnt call them and am darn glad I didnt shoot my 50 cal at midnight . Maybe they were waiting for me........LOL. shouldnt be anymore about this till the 4th when once again I will put my eye on this guy

Hmmm that's twice the sky did not fall! I guess this is put to rest until New Years again.........

Hmmmm? Why is it that I think that the thefairlaneman is barking up the wrong tree, looking for sympathy from BobVT?:D


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Am I being a jerk?

It gets old re-hashing things. We could turn this into an oil thread, a gas price thread, a political thread, or even a techno_________ thread..... just move on!

Yes Bob is a Licensed Pyro guy on iboats... :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2004
Re: Am I being a jerk?

I'm sure the guys from Long Island will remember this. Back in 1989? my friend got killed on the 4th of July. He was at a party and wanted to go with his fiance to the MACYS show in the city. His mother asked him not to go as it was a crazy night in the city and the guy down the road had fireworks to light off. This guy was also selling them I believe. Well he lights off a 5in. morter backwards that was in a 5 gallon bucket filled with concrete. When it exploded a chunk of the concrete hit my friend in the chest and killed him. I have never bought a firework since that day and never will. They are better off left to the professionals. RIP John Benson I still miss you.


Apr 10, 2004
Re: Am I being a jerk?

What kills me is that the OP stated last year the he shots his 50 cal gun.... I take fireworks in the city any day before guns....