Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
Have tried to find out where Wellcraft installed the A/C unit for a 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique. Anyone have any idea where they mounted the unit? Going to install one, just trying to find where it would be mounted from factory.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

Depending on the layout of your boat, usually under the dinette or under the master berth. Some were installed under the sole, just inside the cuddy entry, just aft of the steps. The issue you will face will be the routing of the A/C venting. These were installed during construction and run within the walls/ceiling space. You might be able to run enough ducting through the seating, though.


Lieutenant Commander
May 12, 2009
Re: Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

yep to above^^^^post.thats how mine is.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

I went to the Wellcraft archives hoping to see a good interior shot, but no luck (you probably did that already anyway). As the others noted, it's usually under the v-berth or dinette. In my Four Winns, however, it's on the port side of the boat, tucked in next to the aft berth. My fresh water and holding tanks are forward, instead.

If you blow up the .pdf of the interior floor plan you can make it out... 278 Vista - Specs (p32).PDF

Good luck!


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

I could have described the AC placement a little better.

The unit is situated in the aft berth area against the port side of the hull, but is raised above the berth in a 'cabinet'. The berth occupant's feet fit underneath it.

Hope that makes sense.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Air conditioner Unit Placement 2001 Wellcraft 280 Martinique

Regardless of where you put it (just get the overall dimensions), the most important things to follow are:

Return Air Flow - You have to have open/louvered air return with filter, like you would in a house
Ducting - These units are made to flow a certain CFM. If you have inadequate sized ducting, you'll be choking the unit. The unit should come with all of the installation specs. If not, PM me and I'll send you a link that will help.
Raw water - You'll need to have the proper sized raw water thru hull fitting, shut off valve, raw water cleaner/screen assembly, and water pump for your unit. The pump should be wired directly to the mother board of the A/C control, so the A/C unit is the authority on when the pump runs & shuts off. The A/C obviously can't run without water. but the fan can flow without the water moving. This is usually a simple 3 wire hook-up to the control box.
Thermostat - Set the thermostat in an easy to reach location away from direct air flow, or you'll wind up with a 15? temperature difference within the boat.