Adding a bench to old Glasspar


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
I have an Glasspar very similar to this one and what I'd like to do is take the shelf or whatever you call it off the back and build a much smaller bench seat. Something to cover the battery/wiring/sump area and also add some seating. I know this is meant to drain water that splashes in from the stern but I've never seen it wet there so I hope it's not a big deal. I'd like to put a step ladder over the transom and give people someplace to step when getting in. I'm thinking a couple gussets in the corners might give the transom a little more support while I'm at it. I wish I had those pedestal seats.

Any thoughts appreciated


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Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I'm thinking I will glass in a couple strips to the bottom and across the transom and then building off that. Something maybe half as wide as the cowling thats already there. Making a bench and some small amount of storage. Is pine fine for this?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 11, 2010
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I can't see very well in that picture, so some better pics, maybe a side angle, or front angle of the area would help a lot.

That being said, I'm sure you can do whatever you want back there. A bench seat with some under seat storage should be easy enough. How long is the boat? it looks like there's a lot of room between the transom and the front seats. Maybe there's room for seating a bit further forward?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar


This is actually the boat I haven't got a pic of the inside yet it's 15ft but it has the typical _/\_ seats not sure what you call them. So with that cowling there's not a lot of room. I'll try to take an inside pic. I don't think that cowling gives any support it's just mounted with a few rivets.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

That "Shelf" is called a "SplashWell". It has several roles in your boats makeup. One, helps prevent water from entering the boat from the stern when sudden stops occur and "Wash Over" happens. Two, in your case you top cap is a one piece molding and therefor it IS a structural part of the Overall boats design. This Structural design includes aiding in strengthening the transom from the stresses placed on it by the motor. IMHO I do NOT think removing it would be a wise move. Maybe the pic is deceiving. IF in fact it is NOT molded into the top cap then It might be possible. Post some pics of the attachment points to the sides of the hull. That would greatly help in the discussion. FYI, you have "Back to Back" seating.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Agree totally with Wood (except I think you'd have better luck with the term "lounge seats" than you would back-to-back). I would not remove the splashwell. That boat can't really hold more than 4 people anyway.


Jul 19, 2010
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I too would imagine the splash well has structural benefit. That being one piece, I know the designer weighed it in when figuring out flotation, etc. You might want to re-think this idea. Hey, maybe it's time for a bigger boat? I'm always looking for an excuse to feed my "2-foot-itis".


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

A few more pics. It's not really for more people but getting in and out of the water from the side is difficult, next to impossible for some plus the splashwell is huge and you have to lay dawn in the boat to reach the plug, battery, etc. It's difficult to see but there doesn't appear to be anything attaching the splashwell to the transom except aluminum trim and rivets. I'm thinking I could put this in - in a way that reinforces the transom and gives more practical access at the same time. Oh and yes it's an ugly old boat.

Hah a bigger boat that's a good one.



Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

If the splash well is giving some support how could I do this and give some support to the transom? I originally was thinking gussets in the corners and a strip of 1 by 1 or 2 along the transom but maybe some angle iron would be better then building the bench off of that with some strips attached to the bottom with resin. Maybe I can't do this but it sure would make the boat more useable.

Once again any thoughts appreciated.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Thanks for posting those pics. It Does appear that your splash well is attached by rivets only. This would indicate to me that it is not AS structural as it would be if it were all one piece. Having said that it does still play a part in the boats design. I believe you could do some Re-designing in this area and possible cut away a portion of the splash well but I would NOT remove it entirely. Maybe remove the Front Half but leave the back half allowing the ability to catch the washove if and when it occurs.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Not a bad idea it also solves one hurdle in that the motor clamps over it ( call my lazy I don't want to take the motor off). It does have small philips screws along the side but they're not holding much. I could cut it back enough to step over it when entering the boat. Maybe attaching the back of the bench to the splash well and the sides to the sides of the boat. If so my next thing is a bolt on ladder or the typical hook on type. If I go hook on the splash would have to be narrow enough to go over it. Of course the bolt on being $$ also means drill a couple good size holes in the transom. You can see in the one pic the door that covers access under the splash well thats where you lay down and stick your head in to get to the plug and battery I won't miss having to do that.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I'm thinking I could cut along the black line and the hook over ladder would fit just fine. My woodworking finish work will have to be decent even for my boat.

cut photo.JPG


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

That's EXACTLY where I had in mind for making the cut. I believe you would be fine in doing that.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Thanks for the help

And now a quick google course on fiberglass and hmmm maybe a dremel and straight edge to cut with? Will post pics...if it goes well. I'm thinking one of these should do the job. cutter.jpg


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

It will probably work but if it doesn't, a $20 grinder from Harbor Freight certainly will.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 24, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Thanks, it's temporarily on hold. I assumed my hook ladder would work off the transom but it doesn't so now I'm weighing options. The bolt on ladders are crazy expensive for what they are I suppose they're built for saltwater which my boat has only seen once.

son of a son of a sailor

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 15, 2010
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I also own a Glasspar Citation. I went against conventional wisdom (wood, and all the others) and cut my splash well out in order to repair the transom, deck and stringers. I plan on re installing it after all my deck work is complete. In hindsight, I would have listened to the ol' salty dogs on this site and NOT cut my splash well out, and opted to just lift the entire top cap off.
If you decide to cut the splash well out, you may need to re enforce your transom. When I pulled my transom, the motor was only supported by two layers of 3/4" plywood about five inches left and right of the mounts. The rest of the transom was one layer of 3/4" ply with NO inboard layer of lamented wood!
The splash well gives the builder (in this case Larson / Glasspar) the ability to use less plywood and TRY to spread the load of the motor, and the stressing of the hull over the splash well. In my case my boat's transom rotted as there was never anything laminated higher than the edge of the transom where the motor mounts to. (see picture below) Picture is taken looking to the stern along the port edge, under the splash well.

So what you will find is that you will have to basically add another layer of 3/4" thickness on the sides of your transom to even it out, then you will be left with the top cap edge that will have to be continued out.
I've included a few pictures of the demo process of my boat.


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son of a son of a sailor

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 15, 2010
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

Here is another shot of the transom before the wood went back in. Thought it might help in deciding what is really back behind your splash-well.


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Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 2, 2009
Re: Adding a bench to old Glasspar

I've got a Citation as well, though mine is an earlier model.... The splashwell in that model doesn't offer any structural support, but DOES keep the water out- Trust me, you don't want to remove it unless you don't mind sinking. The transom is just too low.