A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
The American Left has definitely come out of the closet, now that they are heady with power. Come see what half of the deluded American Public is voting for. The following is but a page off of their website.

Pay particular attention to who and what groups make up their coalition. You vote for one, you get 'em all. Any wonder why the slide continues unabated?



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Interesting web site. I find the funniest thing about the Left to be that they can't see their own hypocrisy for what it is but will crucify a conservative for ANY infraction. Case in point, some Democratic Senator the other day was commenting on a Senator McCain, and made the statement, " As a divorced person, we're not sure he has the moral turpitude to be the President". (or words to that effect). This was a dem saying that. As in, the party of Slick Willie. Is thier institutional memory really THAT short?

Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat is your business. But to even pretend that the Democrats have the moral high ground is insane.

08 is shaping up to be a good one. At least Arnold is acting responsibily.

"You're going to need a bigger boat".


Aug 8, 2003
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

What a laugh, it's the same ole drug induced nonsense dealt every day by Cheech Limbaugh every day


Aug 16, 2002
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

touche' eh BL.And your sig pic.Not nonsense?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Gabby said:
..... Case in point, some Democratic Senator the other day was commenting on a Senator McCain, and made the statement, " As a divorced person, we're not sure he has the moral turpitude to be the President". (or words to that effect). This was a dem saying that. As in, the party of Slick Willie. Is thier institutional memory really THAT short?

....all when it was Liberal permissiveness that has depreciated the institution of marraige and made divorce as easy as getting an abortion.!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Thaks for the link, Boomboom.. It's nice to put faces to some of the obscure names too...you know, faces you never saw , but who's actions have driven you nutzoid for YEARS?
Like "podesta".


Apr 21, 2004
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Yeppers! This is America after all, where it is evil to have a different point of view than Rush!


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

PW2 said:
Yeppers! This is America after all, where it is evil to have a different point of view than Rush!

Amen, brother! That is why the left is frantically trying to remove him from the airwaves. (link to: Wikapedia Subject: "fairness doctrine")

PW, "Equal time" my eye!!
A little blurb from the link I provided as proof of left wing attacks to free speech;

"As of early 2007, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), along with Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) have announced their support of legislation which would reverse the 1987 FCC decision and restore the Fairness Doctrine."

Note, PW, that ALL of those named in the 2007 attempt to silence free speach by way of "The fairness doctrine" have a little picture of themselves in the awseome link Boomyall provided!!! :|
A site I will GENEROUSLLY-support with my wallet.
It would do every liberal good to read some of the bio's featured on that site. If nothing else, to shed light on the TRUE NATURE and desires of those who do battle for them.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Is that the rallying cry of the left? When a conservative mentions the hypocrisy of the left you liken us all to Rush? I personally think Rush is an idiot too. Having said that, I lived in West Berlin when the wall was in place and have seen communism first hand. I'd rather have a commie in office than a democrat. With a Communist you KNOW you're going to take it in the shorts. The Dems will smile at you and tell you how they're going to give you social program A and social program B, all the while hiking the taxes of the working middle class to pay for it so the poor, uneducated and lazy can have a free ride on my dime. I enlisted in the military after high school and retired after 22 years with an MBA. Anything I have I made for myself courtesy of hard work. To think some rich, socially progressive blow hard thinks it normal to steal what I have via a progressive tax to give to the poor and impoverished who won't help themselves makes me physically ill. Sorry, I don't mean to offend, I just get tired of hearing how we need to band together and take care of everyone collectively. I am as compassionate as the next guy, but enough is enough. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Yeah, right. Next time you're in Africa look around, they have done WONDERS with their village concept haven't they. Collective European / American white guilt is a wonderful motivator.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

BLU said:
What a laugh, it's the same ole [colour=red]drug induced nonsense[/colour] dealt every day by Cheech Limbaugh every day

[colour=red]"...Ted..Heavily Medicated For Your Protection..."[/colour]

I guess you are speaking from a position of personal experience, huh?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

The biggest joke is that the rank and file, even the critical thinkers amongst them, think that their leaders believe the tripe that they spew out.

None of these people are that stupid, except for maybe Rosie ODonnel , BS Barbara and Michael Moore. They believe their hogwash no more than Stalin did his. They are laughing at the rank and file, all the way back to their Dachas.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

You sir, are correct. Dems were the party of slavery and they still are. They've just gotten smarter. They now enslave their constituents via welfare and other social programs. By giving the poor masses a scrap now and then, the masses feel compelled to support them. Hence the Dems keep the very people they need to be elected in perpetual poverty and servitude by giving them just enough to satiate them while keeping them uninformed. Slavery at it's finest. I truly believe that the rank and file democrat has good intentions. I just as strongly believe the leadership of the Democratic Party is inherently evil.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Gabby said:
You sir, are correct. Dems were the party of slavery and they still are. They've just gotten smarter. They now enslave their constituents via welfare and other social programs. By giving the poor masses a scrap now and then, the masses feel compelled to support them. Hence the Dems keep the very people they need to be elected in perpetual poverty and servitude by giving them just enough to satiate them while keeping them uninformed. Slavery at it's finest. I truly believe that the rank and file democrat has good intentions. I just as strongly believe the leadership of the Democratic Party is inherently evil.

[colour=blue]Hmmmmm Gabby, A man that thinks similar to the way I do!! You will likely get some drive by hits from those who can't tollerate an outside idea or two that cornflicts with their 'feelings'. Respectfully, JR [/colour]


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

That one word explains so much :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Yawn could mean a couple of things.

A. We're talking politics, shoot me.
B. I'm a dem...
C. I'm a dem and am incapable of listening to a rational opinion that doesn't agree with the fact that the sun sets and rises on Hillary and her victim of the vast right wing conspiracy husband, willi wonkedher.

Hmmm...Do tell?


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

Yawn means yea, another installment of "cons gone wild".


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2007
Re: A wonderfully illuminating Web Site.

OK BB. I got ya.

Wonder what your reaction would be if we suddenly advocated the take over of all branches of the government by Dems and Academia and the liberal elite? I doubt a yawn.

We're all entitled to our opinion sir...8)