Being an avid ammo reloader (yes another hobby), I always wondered why .410 shotgun shells always cost way more then 20 or 12 gauge shells? It takes a heck of a lot less materials to load them. :noidea:
@ jakedaawg, As for the heat
I am certainly not "deceptively bragging" about the weather. Actually more like complaining. That is way too hot this early in the season for me. However they are predicting a lot colder next week. Only in the mid 70's like I like it.
@ Pusher, yes I know of some folks that had serious issues with ticks. Odd how such a small insect can cause such huge serious problems. Glad to hear she recovered though. Need to check yourselves closely if you re in an area that supports those evil bugs.
@ Redfred1, not sure why you shoot the turtles. :noidea: Here in Georgia a lot of turtles are strictly protected. Especially Gopher, Bog, Eastern Mud, Eastern River and Loggerhead turtles. We see then lots of times around any type water.