I don't know if any of you good people remember the topics in which a little red truck played a big role. The poster, who posted under the name Ray was banned because he was a bit too far on the far side. Me I just wonder if anybody else remembers the little red truck and if it ever did tow a boat.
I haven't been around for a long time, but decided to look in today and bingo!!
Do I remember Ray!!
I sort of enjoyed Ray. He can't have had anything to do in his life as he was always posting.
The pictures of his little red truck were pretty cool - for an Aussie anyway.
He posted a picture of his old sheila climbing over the well-side of the truck - all 1/4 ton go her, in real tight slacks. It was one hull-of-a-sight, I tell you.
I just couldn't help myself - I had to pass comment, and Ray got pretty excited with me.
He upset JB - bit like a thorn on the wrong side of JB's saddle. That's how I saw it anyway.
I recall another photo of his old sheila near a shower, and I remember thinking, 'there's no way she's getting in there'.
Anyway Ray got the bullet, then reappeared under another title, which was discovered, and he got a 2nd shot between the tuts. And that was it.
Got to give it to Ray tho. He was tek-savy enough to delete everything he was involved in here, so there was no records.Just memories like mine with no fact to back them up.
There was a real half-wit we had fun with. He had a real long call sign, Tecnosomething or Tecnonufin'. Spinner and me had a lot of fun with him. I miss the fun of those days.