9th "Circus" Court


Jun 25, 2002
Re: 9th "Circus" Court

I remember the Pledge from reciting it every morning in school up to about the sixth grade, I surely did not believe then, Nor now that it was in anyway politically or religously motivated. It was a statement of Patriotism for this great nation, And all the good that it stands for. Individual opnions and Ideas are what this nation was founded on, Some of us even fought for that right. This ruling is just another slap in the face, Fortunately I dont believe it will stand, I've heard the Supreme court open, I dont think they will take God out of that speech. "Whats Next" seems to sum it up. I wonder though, The next time your in court and you swear to tell the truth, The whole truth, And nothing but the truth, So help you ??? What "THE ACLU" Their responsible for alot of this. GOD Help Us


Jul 7, 2002
Re: 9th "Circus" Court

Now that we've gone from the "Pledge" to the "Jewfish", was it the 9th Circus Court that banned the "Hot Dago" sandwich??


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 16, 2002
Re: 9th "Circus" Court

From what I've heard the use of "so help you god" is not overwhelmingly accepted by the court system. It is more of a court to court issue that is some courts use it while others don't. I would assume this is mainly to avoid this type of litigation. I do admit though I try to stay away from court proceedings, so I am by no means an expert.


May 17, 2001
Re: 9th "Circus" Court

I feel that when the consistution was constructed, it made the United States a roll model for democracy. We have voted and the majority has ruled. The ACLU should be charged for going against the consitition for changing what the majority has ruled on when our great country was founded.<br /><br />Seperation of chruch and state? Then what will we swear on when you take the stand in court? Will it me removed from money? Oh yes the Act of God law in Ohio. It is the one where a rock falls off a truck and strikes your windshield, you can't get the truck to pay for it because its an "Act of God"! I also feel that the athiests should be forced to allow their children to make their own choice of religion. If not, then they are in violation of the consistution.<br /><br />Put this issue on the national ballot and let us vote on it. It is an issue that involves all of us.<br /><br />To see how many law abiding citizens there are in this country, Drive the interstates! Makes a person wonder.....