Re: 97 volvo 5.7 T B I timing
Here is the information right out of the Volvo manual.As I said earlier, the timing should be at 8° BTDC using the procedure below.<br /><br />1. Connect a 12-volt timing light to number 1 spark plug lead, and <br />use the timing light following the manufacturers instructions.<br />NOTE: Be careful not to puncture the wire or boot as this would<br />cause a high voltage leak. Make sure that spark plug wires are<br />pushed all the way down into the distributor cap terminals and<br />onto the spark plugs. Nipples must be firmly pushed over the<br />terminals, and boots over the spark plugs. Failure to do so can<br />result in ignition of fuel vapors in engine compartment or bilge,<br />and may result in fire or explosion.<br />2. Start engine and leave running until thoroughly warmed up.<br /><br />Setting Timing<br />The timing procedure for Delco DI systems requires shunting<br />(shutting off) the electronic spark advance.<br />1. Start engine and manually set idle speed to 1000 RPM, then do<br />one of the following:<br />At the 10-way DLC (Data Link Connector), starboard front<br />engine, install a Trouble Code Tool and turn it on - OR<br />If a Code Tool is not available, use a jumper wire and<br />connect the white / black wire to the black wire inside the<br />connector.<br />2. Direct beam of timing light onto timing grid. Loosen distributor<br />clamp, then turn distributor slowly by hand until timing mark is set at<br />the appropriate timing figure.<br />3. Recheck timing mark; reset if necessary. Tighten clamp bolt.<br />4. Stop engine. Remove jumper lead or Trouble Code Tool.