Hello all, i have a 97 johnson 200 that i recently rebuilt the carbs on. Things were running great, then encountered rough idle. Got it home, found cylinder #3 carb was stuck open. Found debris in float needle, coudlnt get it to reseal, so i rebuilt, was running great in driveway and on way out to island, when we arrived it had a hard time idling, but we arrived. Ball was still primed, no gas from carbs, so we enjoyed the beach. Went to go home and no start, had to get a tow. Got it home and started with the basics. Fuel is getting to where it needs to be and staying there. Plugs are new, all 6 sparking and appear normal. Found a thread that stated to check the holes behind the cal pocket gasket on the side of the throttle body, decided to check #3 as it had issues before, all holes open, clean and clear. I did thouroughly clean throttle bodies when i rebuilt carbs. NOW, HERES WHAT I FOUND AND my question. The cal pocket gasket was cracked and falling apart. So i decided to keep checking them. All 6 are less than a month old and cracked thruout. What can cause this? I run non ethanol, as much as i hate to right now. I found a torque spec for the 4 screws but cannot remember what it was, but i torqued it to spec. Any thoughts or ideas?
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