96 DT 150 Bass w/infamouse Overheat Alarm issue

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Sep 12, 2011
Made some progress today. I pulled the lower unit and put a garden hose on the tube from the pump to the block and checked water pressure at both t-stat housings and I had plenty of flow through both T-stat housings. Next I installed the T stats so I could check the the water pressure gauge I just installed. I get about roughly 14-15 psi at the gauge with the garden hose on almost full blast.

Next I checked the new meter gauge on the dash and all the lights are working from what I can tell and I left the light green wire unplugged from the port side with just the black and purple wires plugged into the heat sensor and the gauge on the dash indicated an over heat problem code 1-4 with the series of flashes from the Check Engine light. So I plugged light green wire back into the port side wiring and tried turning the key on again. This time I did not get any flashing code for an alarm. The two wire Starboard side sensor was left unplugged the whole time and it did not set off any code.

There was a little cracked cylindrical boot at the rear of the lower unit.

It is #20 in this parts diagram " https://www.boats.net/catalog/suzuk...ase-dt150-150s-175-200-200s-225-200efi-150efi "

I glued it back together using some super glue and some baking soda to make it cure fast. Then put a dab of liquid All laundry detergent on the tube that sticks out the bottom of the leg towards where the skegg type anode mounts. I put some inside the rubber cylindrical boot as well so the two would slide together fairly easy. I'm not sure what that boot does but I'm ordering a new one with the water pump.

I Think I will try to set up the Starboard side temp sensor so that I can unplug it fairly quick while the engine is running to see if it cures the alarm next time it goes off.

I'm getting closer :) Here is short quick clip that took me forever to make and upload. It's not much. I'm no video expert :/



Sep 12, 2011
Well I made an interesting discovery. When at idle I get no water pressure at the gauge. The gauge starts to move at about 1150-1200 RPM.

I also noticed the Port Cylinder Bank was getting upwards of 160F where the temp sensor is housed. I'm not sure if this is normal or not. That sensor is suppose to set off an alarm at 220F as far as I know. The port side does get hotter than the Starboard side.

Both of the Thermostat housings stayed with in about 10F of each other the port side hotter at about 226F and the Starboard side at about 216F.

Not sure what to think at the moment. I ran the engine with out the Starboard side temp sensor plugged in but even if it was plugged in I don't think it would send an alarm unless the sensor is faulty. I shut it down when I saw 160 on the port side.

Does any one know what the water pressure should be while at idle? The Top Port Cylinder seems to be getting the hottest.


Sep 12, 2011
Made another pretty big discovery by accident. I was moving the hose clamp on the bottom of the hose for the thermostat hose and bumped into a head bolt by accident to discover it was loose. I though oh wow could it really be that easy as I though to my self? So I grabbed my torch wrench and 12mm socket to start tightening the bolt. Guess again....

Broken head bolt all the way at the bottom #6 cylinder. All the other bolts seem to be tight and very difficult to loosen. I did not try to hard to loosen the other bolts. I don't need more broken head bolts that I already have but from what I have read the Suzuki's like to break off head bolts.

With all this ^ information I am wondering what is the best way to remove the head bolts. Run the engine until it is hot then try to loosen them little by little? I am thinking I could probably get the bottom snapped off bolt out using a mig or tig welder to build up some material on the broken stud down in the block which by looking at it, my geuss is it's probably broken off flush at the top of the cylinder.


Sep 12, 2011
Compression readings look with in range all are with in 10% of each other. Thinking I should do a leak down test on Cyl #6.

Cyl 1: 105 PSI
Cyl 2: 102 PSI
Cyl 3: 101 PSI
Cyl 4: 100 PSI
Cyl 5: 104 PSI
Cyl 6: 100 PSI


Sep 12, 2011
I got the HF leak down tester and all cylinders checked out cold and warmed up. This has me stumped. Number 1 cylinder and number 6 cylinder spark plugs did look cleaner than the rest of the engine. I got a reading of 170+ today at the port side sensor :eek:
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