I picked up a '95 SkiRay boat in early September with a '95 Mercury 175 carb motor with only 120 hours on it. The motor is tight and runs great. Once I got the "technique" down it also starts pretty good cold. The thing that bugs me is after the motor is all warmed up and I shut it down, I have to crank and crank 4-5 tries or throw the fast start to get it to re-start (I sure would expect a motor this modern would fire instantly AFTER it is already warmed up). Generally the motor seems to idle ok, although maybe a little rough. Another irrating problems is the slight gas/oil slick that seems to drip from the exahust for a while after the motor is shut down.<br />Any experience with Boyesen Reeds? Are power reeds generally a good updrade and would they help solve the starting problem?