93, 115 Mariner


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: 93, 115 Mariner

Then you'd really feel insulted when they tell you can't get parts for it anymore. If you have a single ram trim/tilt, you can't get diddly squat for parts anymore. The vendor that made them sucked bigtime. Most failed within the first year. Most of the rest failed within a few years after that. I'd be amazed if more than 20% of them are still working. The fix is to replace the unit with a 3-ram unit. Almost a grand last I saw. If all you need is springs, you can probably find something somewhere that'll do. O-rings can be had as well. As for the rest, good luck!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: 93, 115 Mariner

ARCO out of Pensacola Florida can probably help you with this motor.I do not have a web site or 800 in front of me.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: 93, 115 Mariner

I checked it. The bigger they are, the ruder they are. I find that most big dealerships have little interest in providing decent service. All they want to do is sell. In many cases they hire marginally to unqualified personel. They keep one or two highly qualified people on hand so that they can get full labor payment from doing warranty work, but the rest have little to no experience. They pay the highly qualified ones well to keep them, but pay the rest diddly squat and have an annual turnaround of those employees (to avoid paying for vacations and other bennies).<br /><br />The little guys try harder! And the people they hire are usually carefully screened before they're hired. Their reputation is their biggest asset. They can't compete with all the volume discounts and massive advertising budgets of the big dealers and few big dealers give a dang about their reputations. They overcome bad reps by beating the pants of the little guys with low prices on new units, then jack the prices of parts and labor to keep from having the expense of a decent service department.<br /><br />Dealers have one of two attitudes toward their service personnel. You're either an asset to the business, or you're a necessary evil. I tend to work for the former and won't even apply at the latter.<br /><br />Anyhow, back to your problem. If you have a 3-ram trim and tilt, the ARCO units hondon mentioned work quite well.