Guess I’m gonna get blasted for this, but I don’t have the alignment tool. Manual says I need #912273 but I haven’t located that specific part # anywhere. I see plenty of the Volvo/Mercruiser/OMC Cobra alignment tools available, but the part # is completely different and they never reference King Cobra. Are those alignment tools compatible??? They look different than the one decent picture I have from the manual. Specifically, the manual picture shows the end of the tool is splined and the available alignment tools are not splined.
Yes, I was referring to the O-rings. No, there was zero grease on the O-rings, just clean oil. Greased the splines, oiled the O-rings and was
When I bought the new gimbal bearing, I made sure it fit the shaft and it slid into place using only my hands, but that was when the old O-rings were still on the shaft. The old O-rings were flat as a pancake. The fit was tight, no slop, but I could get the bearing on and off the shaft with my hands. The new O-rings are definitely raised ever so slightly, but since the fit was tight to begin with I was thinking that just that slight difference was enough to stop me.
Clearly my answer is to get the alignment tool. Are the available ones compatible?