92' 2550 SX Hull Cracking & Repair Advice!


Jun 25, 2012
New boat owners here and we've picked up a 92' 2550 Sx with about 450 hrs on it. Great boat overall, but the bilge is constantly running indicating we've got leakage somewhere. I've trouble shot the rear lower unit housing seals, drain plug, etc. by literally filling the boat with water on the trailer. To my surprise I've found a few 2+- foot long cracks where there was a slow drip coming from the center and outer portions of the hull located about in the middle of the boat. All of the cracks run right along the inner ribs of the boat and if you physically push on the hull, it tends to give, not soft, but give none the less. Is this something that anyone else has encountered or can refer me to a link on how to correct the problem? I've done work with glass in previous boating projects, but this one would entail some serious interior deconstruction given the position of the problem areas. Any thoughts on a repair method / system that could be effective from the outside of the boat?

When buying the boat we thought that the bottom coat was a nice touch considering it would be spending some serious time in the water, but after this issue arose, I think now it was a quick fix to a larger mess. Any thoughts are welcome and have a look at the attached photos for some additional insight to the issue at hand...Crack1071012.jpg
Thanks in advance!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2011
Re: 92' 2550 SX Hull Cracking & Repair Advice!

Any help here???

Wish I had some pearls of wisdom for you, but .... Nothing. What a shame this happened. I, too, have a '92 2550 SX, with 1300 hours on her, but no bottom paint on it, as it's a trailer boat. I would be horrified to see that on mine.

A crack like that has already allowed the water to infultrate the glass and that damage may be terminal, but I am by no means a fiber glass guy. But to repair will be major, if worth it at all. Best argument ever for having a survey done prior to purchase.

Where are you located? You just bought this boat? If so, perhaps there may be something that can be done to get the deal nullified, but I doubt it. Hate hearing of folks being "ripped off" like that, as prior owner obviously knew about the problem and intentionally hid it with bottom paint. If you didn't pay too much for her, you can possibly part her out and recoup some of you money if repair costs are out of the question. Parts for the 2550 SX are like hens teeth and are at a premium. If it's a good 7.4 L Bravo 1, that is worth a bundle to someone that wants that setup. Do you have the rear bench seat and sunpad, or the two jump seats on each side of the engine enclosure?


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: 92' 2550 SX Hull Cracking & Repair Advice!

I just noticed this thread, even though it is from July . . . So, I am wondering how you made out?

I had considered buying a Chappy 2550 SX when I bought my Formula 242SS . . . nice boat.

This one, however, looks like it 'got dropped' or something catastrophic like that. Since the cracks are along the strakes and are serious enough to let water through, the hull may be seriously damaged. Proper repair would be a real hassle.

It would be good to get a look at the internal structure of the boat to see what damage exists on the inside . . . but to do that, the center section of the cockpit floor and the fuel tank have to come out. Quite a project in itself.

Can you post some more pictures?

I assume that you did not do a marine survey of the boat?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2011
Re: 92' 2550 SX Hull Cracking & Repair Advice!

I just noticed this thread, even though it is from July . . . So, I am wondering how you made out?

I had considered buying a Chappy 2550 SX when I bought my Formula 242SS . . . nice boat.

This one, however, looks like it 'got dropped' or something catastrophic like that. Since the cracks are along the strakes and are serious enough to let water through, the hull may be seriously damaged. Proper repair would be a real hassle.

It would be good to get a look at the internal structure of the boat to see what damage exists on the inside . . . but to do that, the center section of the cockpit floor and the fuel tank have to come out. Quite a project in itself.

Can you post some more pictures?

I assume that you did not do a marine survey of the boat?

Ted, you following me around? LOL

If he has the same configuration I do, removal of everything needed to get to the inside of the hull for the repair will be near impossible, unless the top was lifted off the hull. This is doable, but lord, what a job and the expense would be huge. My deck is a 1 piece glass deck with a removable panel for just the fuel tank. That crack looks to be a terminal injury to the hull and had to be wacked real hard to cause " I've found a few 2+- foot long cracks " . One would be real bad, but "a few" would make me doubt the repair could be reliably made and feel confident all is OK afterwards, unless boat is completely gutted and repairs / inspections made from inside the hull.

I would almost consider buying for a "parts boat" for mine, but I'm sure that the owner wouldn't entertain that thought.


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
Re: 92' 2550 SX Hull Cracking & Repair Advice!

Ted, you following me around? LOL

I guess so . . . :D

I wonder if this guy (OP) will respond . . . it looks like no one responded initially, so I am wondering how he made out. I'm with you, in that the odds of being able to fix this are slim.