91 Evin. rebuilt powerhead - reliable sources?

Chris Wilson

Jul 7, 2002
We are in need of a rebuilt Evinrude 40 2-Cyl Powerhead (Model VE40TLEIA, Serial No. G 02596825). I am hoping some of you can advise if you have any recent experience with suppliers of rebuilt powerheads. I would be interested in knowing who you dealt with and how it went.<br /><br />I live in the Southeast Michigan area (which has a LOT of boats) and figured I could find someone local who did the work. So far – no luck. We have contacted a number of the Marine repair companies and none have indicated they could supply a rebuilt. It may be (understandably) that they really want me to bring in the engine and they do all the work so they just are not interested in helping. I figure they have sources – I just need to find them.<br /><br />I have spotted a number of possible sources on the internet (including suppliers only identified as “Vendor” through this site – I will look into these too) but am concerned that all of them, so far, are fairly far from my residence. As a result, if I have to obtain the unit from a source far from my home, I am hoping I can at least start out with some confidence that they have a good reputation. I contacted one in the SE Florida area that was looking promising until I checked with the SE Florida Better Business Bureau. They gave them an unsatisfactory rating or something like that for unanswered customer complaints.<br /><br />Anyway, I’m a new registration to this site and already have learned a lot just by reading some of the past postings. I’m hoping some of you can help.<br /><br />I know I have to identify root cause for the powerhead failure but I will save that for another posting.<br /><br />Hope some of you can help.


Re: 91 Evin. rebuilt powerhead - reliable sources?

prop head,<br /><br />I believe, just because they are on this site, they are reliable.