89 Sea Ray 160 Resto


Jun 10, 2010
Hey iboaters,

I have been reading a lot of posts in the rebuild forum and have gleaned a ton of useful info from them as well as Friscoboater's youtube video series (well done btw). I thought it is time for me to contribute my experiences in the hopes that it helps somebody else.
Anyways, a few years ago I bought a 1989 sea ray 160 with a 100hp "Sea Ray" outboard (really a re-branded mercury). I knew what I was buying and knew it was a basket case, but the engine ran strong and the glass was in pretty good shape except for some heavy oxidation. We used the boat for a season and I was able to keep it going with a band aid here and a band aid there.
In the spring of 2011 I started to restore this thing. Why restore a junker like this, well because it was a labor or love and I just love the sea ray lines. Also growing up as a Lake Erie boater I know that these boats are built like a tank.\



My Father in Law, who was the ultimate DIY'er, was going to help me with this. He and I have done some projects that your average "desk jockeys" would not even consider. He was to be the brains behind the operation and I had sent him links to iboats threads for research.
He and I started demo at the beginning of May 2011 with sawzall, 4 1/2 in grinder and pry bars in hand we dug into this mass of rotten wood and delaminating fiberglass. Since neither one of us have done this type of project before, we moved slowly and cautiously through the demo.




But as fate would have it, life took over and threw our family the ultimate curve ball. On June 11, 2011 my Father in Law unexpectedly went home to God. So the boat was on hold for about a month while life settle down some.


Jun 10, 2010
Re: 89 Sea Ray 160 Resto

Sorry that last pic was a whole in the boat that I knew was there, just had to remove the floor of the gas tank locker to get access to it. The picture is after I had patched it.


Jun 10, 2010
Re: 89 Sea Ray 160 Resto

So in July 2011 I got back at. First thing was to get new stringers cut, assembled and into the boat. As for the core material I decided to stick with what the factory had put in and that was 1/2" plywood for the stringers. I used 1/2" marine grade plywood, I know it is expensive but it is designed for my intended use. I also decided to go with epoxy rather than poly or vinylester resins. I also used CPES to coat the plywood down before installing. Anyways, since this boat is so small I was able to pre-assemble the stringers outside the boat then drop it in as one assembly. With the assembly, I left the bow bulkhead off so I could slide the stringers in past some temporary supports holding up the passenger console and the helm. To get the dimensions of the stringers, I measured the height of the stringer at 1 foot increments along the stringer. I was also able to get one of the stingers out almost whole and was close enough to get a pretty good template. Of course the first try was total junk and I had to redo the whole thing, oops! that was an expensive mistake. Second time was a charm! Here are a few pics.

Stringer assembly ready to go in.


Stringers dry fit


Dead nuts level!


Jun 10, 2010
Re: 89 Sea Ray 160 Resto

Hey iboaters,

I have had a busy week and have not been able to post to my thread. I am almost caught up to my current status. This post is some pics of the stringers glassed in. Sorry I do not have any pictures of the stringers bedded in with 5200 and a 1/4" gap. I decided to go with epoxy and DB170 cloth. I put 3 layers of DB170 on each side of the stringers and bulkhead, overkill I know but I don't want this thing coming unglued (pun intended) in the middle of the lake.

If anybody has any suggestions I am all ears.




Thanks for looking


Jun 10, 2010
Re: 89 Sea Ray 160 Resto

Hey iboaters,

Got a quick question. I am getting ready to go to the next step of resto, putting down the floor. The question I have is what is the best way to remove the old bildge paint on the gunwales. I have tried a 4.5" grinder with a 36 grit flap disk, just a little too aggressive. Also tried a wire brush/wheel on the grinder and not aggressive enough. Any other ideas????



Aug 22, 2012
Re: 89 Sea Ray 160 Resto

Hello, looks like you have had some pretty good work going on there. Just wondering if you ever finished the resto, anymore info on how it is going or pictures? I have a '90 160 Sea Ray, and thinking of doing some work.