89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Aug 9, 2010
Hello i have an 89 glastron futura 237 sl that ha a bad transom for sure but i cant tell if the stringers and motor mount blocks are bad? The boat is in good shape and want to know if its even worth fixing? Is this something i could do? how hard is it? Any help and pics would help a lot. If its worth the time and money i will do it. please any help will be great.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Welcome to iboats Dry Dock.

Well first make sure the engine is in good shape , I know it's an I/O but that about all I know on that point.

Second if the transom is rotten, most likely there is more rotten wood as well, you'll have to check it out throughly.

Is it worth fixing.....that's up to you, if it's the boat you want and you have the time, skills and $$$'s then go for it. A full restore isn't an easy task but plenty have done it, we're all here to help with anything that come up. Hopefully its just the transom.

Good Luck
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Hello, the motor runs strong. I did poke at the stringers and motor mounts and also pulled the lag bolts out and didnt see any rot yet. I am going to start to pull the motor soon. From what i read if i do it myself it doesnt have much cost at all. I just dont want to go over the boats value. Does anyone know around what its worth?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

NADA has boats listed, you can check it out there.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

What motor (size/brand) is in it? That will effect the value.


Jun 28, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???


I'd take a drill to your stringers and mounts to make sure they are ok. Fill the holes with 3M 5200 if they look good. My guess is you will find some that are bad if your transom is shot.

As for cost, obviously you save money in labor cost, but that doesn't mean it will be cheap either. Depending on what you find with the stringer, mounts you could be looking at a lot of resin and fiberglass.

It's some work that is for sure so don't kid yourself (see my train wreck of a project link below) but there are plenty of folks on here that have successfully done it and are willing to offer outstanding advice and encouragement.

Good luck with your investigation!

Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Hello it is a merc. 454 with a bravo 1 man toyln that is bad, mine def is not as bad as that. well if this help on the damage there is only a couple spidr crack on the gel coat on the rear of the boat. i dont know if that means anything but i hope its just the transom or this will be sold for parts lol


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Wow, not good at the conversions but isn't that like a 7.0 liter or bigger? That's a hoss for sure, should really push that 23 footer down the lake well. If that power plant is in as good a shape as you say, I'd be tempted to fix her up, but utimately your decision.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 13, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Dunno if this helps but I have a glastron of similar age.My transom and stringers are not rot.But I also have some spiderweb cracks in the gelcoat on the transom.The cracks are not caused by lack of fatigue on the transom,but by bad transom design.Its not strong enough and all the stress is located on a small area that cause the cracks.

Dunno if this is the case with you.I rebuilding the boat completely and doing the stringers and transom.But I could get away with imporving the stringer/transom design to disperse the stress.


Jul 3, 2009
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

Clockwatcher needs to chime in here to. He has the same boat. The Glastrons of that age we know to rot the transoms and the stringers were fine. I have that happen to my boat. I have a thread where I put a new transom in my sx-190 and it will help you alot with that boat.

Post some pictures.
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

it is a 7.4 it come from the factory this way as far as i know but ive never seen another one


Jul 3, 2009
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

I know a guy that has one with that option. It screams!
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

me again, im pritty sure the stringers are gone now too. How do i fix the floor when its all fiberglass and you see it when its all together? do i cut right through it then glass it back in?
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

hello i appreciate all the help i really do! that boat is almost the same one but ine is red and has a fiberglass section in front of the motor. Has yours ever been painted?? going to pull the motor this sat. Still not sur on how or whereto cut my floor besause i have a snap in carpet and under it is gel coat. I know i ca do the transom you all have helped a ton. the stringers now ar my concern.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 8, 2009
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

No paint. It has the original gelcoat and needs a good polishing as well as some whiskey dents fixed.

I'm glad you decided to tackle it. It would be a shame to send it to the dump. I've seen pictures of your model. If yours is the same as I've seen, I envy that glassed floor. If you don't have a bunch of unsealed extra holes and screws in the floor, your stringers are probably fine. That's what killed mine. The previous owner screwed in a 2nd layer of ply over the old stuff. You can inspect the rear section of the stringers without cutting the floor. They butt up to the motor mount blocks. Drill a few test holes. The transom on mine is relatively small and doesn't run the full width of the boat. It spans the distance between the 2 inside stringers and doesn't extend beyond them. If your stringers are good, the transom should come out easily without having to cut into the floor. If the stringers are bad...well, that's a different story.

Please post some pictures.

BTW, these boats haul backside don't they!:D I get a kick out folks who try to run me only to find out this old boat walks away quick. I'd imagine your BBC really moves out.
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

yai will try to get pics tomarrow. It is fast but it sounds awsome!
Aug 9, 2010
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

So what your saying is that you think the stringers will be ok because i have a fiberglass floor?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 8, 2009
Re: 89 glastron futura 237 sl bad transom need advice???

I'm saying they could be. Mine were damaged because of holes in the floor allowed water to become trapped in the foam which eventually found its way into the wood. The stringers were covered with thick roving but not all surfaces were sealed. If you drill some small holes in the bottom of the stringers fore and aft of the motor mount blocks, you'll know for sure. If they're good, you can seal the holes up with thick resin while doing the transom. If the shavings come out dark and wet, you'll know they're bad.