Recently bought an 89 Bayliner for a good price. Just bought it to swap the motor onto my pontoon. So I don't know a whole lot about it. Guy said it ran but I don't know for sure. Anyway I try starting it and fuel leaks out the front of both carbs. Pulled the carbs apart and the needles looked to be in good shape alone with the seats. Float sat parallel with the body. They are the original foam like floats which I've heard can get fuel logged. Maybe that's my issue. But I put it all back together a fuel is still leaking out the front and it's almost spraying out two little holes on each side. Not sure exactly what they are. They are brass little plugs with a tiny hole in the center. Would this be a float issue or maybe a fuel pump issue? I don't have a primer bulb to see what that does. (Previous owner removed the fuel line for whatever reason). Anyone have a similar issue or know what to check first? Not trying to put a ton into since I still don't know how it runs. Got it fired up for a second but shut it down since it was spitting fuel everywhere.