88 force 125 exhaust leak - how difficult is it to replace


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2012
Realized today that I have a significant water/exhaust leak in the gasket which relieves exhaust through the nostrils midway up the shaft. At WOT the water and exhaust is formidable. Looks like the PO used duct tape to patch it once before. My questions are as follows:

1. How diffucult is it to replace the gasket. Looked at a few postings and read that the "powerhead" must be removed. Is this correct? Is the powerhead the motor?


2. Depending on the work involved in the actual replacement, I am thinking about a temporary fix using a rubber sealing tap that I use on 1/2" coax lines used for radio antennas. It is thick, pliable and heat resistant. Just wondering how hot that gasket gets. Can't be above 180 degrees, can it?


Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 88 force 125 exhaust leak - how difficult is it to replace

That boot can be replace without removing anything but really, it is WAY easier to remove the rear shroud first. Tools needed 3/8 wrench or socket, 7/16 socket and driver, large pliers, crowbar, penetrating oil for the bolts

Remove the six bolts holding the rear shroud then remove the six bolts inside the lower cowling that also hold it. Next, wedge a large screwdriver or small crobar into the gap. There are two roll pins at the bottom that you must use the crowbar to pull out.

Using a pliers remove the circular clamp holding the rubber bellows. Install the new one and instead of the clamp, use an electrical zip tie. It will not crimp or cut the rubber.

Total time if all goes well would be 1/2 hour. If bolts are corroded there will be danger of snapping one or two and more time will be needed.

Thermostat is usually a 130 degree one but cooling water can exceed that temperature significantly.

The reason instructions said to remove the powerhead is because there IS a gasket between the powerhead and match plate. You, however appear to mean the bellows.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2012
Re: 88 force 125 exhaust leak - how difficult is it to replace

Thanks Frank!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 5, 2012
Re: 88 force 125 exhaust leak - how difficult is it to replace

Got around to removing the bolts. Prior owner must have had them off recently because all came out with ease. Not one snapped! Taking the cover off made the repair to the bellow so much easier. You were correct, about 1/2 hour. Antilock on clean bolts and she was all good to go. Thanks for the insight Frank.