This is actually two questions but I'm not sure if one is related to the other. <br /><br />1. My tach (brand new) will read correct RPMs (most of the time) up until 2000RPMs. Anything after that and it goes to zero. Also it jumps around between 0 and 2000 RPMs sometimes but never above 2000RPMs. I haven't tested the charging voltage (tomorrow) but my bet is the rectifier. Does that seem right?<br /><br />2. This is where I am curious. My hole shot is horrible. 15-20 sec just to plane out, sometimes more, and absolutly never faster then 35MPH but usually around 30 MAX. It seems like I am missing a cylinder (or 2???) but no working tach = not knowing engine RPMs. My second question is this. What can kill a rectifier besides reversing polarity?? Could whatever seems to be robbing my power had killed it? I just don't want to buy a new rectifier and have it be killed again because something else might be wrong. Stator maybe?<br /><br />Anyways, CT were 115, 115 115 110. Any info would be apreciated.<br /><br />Adam