74 Merc 650 LOOSING FIRE


Jul 20, 2011
Hey all,

I have a 650 that has been giving me a headache. I just got this jewel and its runs great....well did until on the water. I was movin on and all of a sudden the engine just shut off after running at a good speed for bout 15 min. Luckily when I was running it in the driveway it lost fire and I learned that it was the green wire that runs from the coil over to the swithbox...a bad end...so I replaced and fired right up. On the water I checked this first, I took :confused:off the wire and checked for spark and I noticed that there was spark jumping from the wire to the lead on the coil. I held it there and it ran fine...until I took it out yest. It seems that when the motor gets hot it just looses fire. I can take off the wire from the coil and jump spark to the lead and it will run....and I have noticed that if it sits a bit it will fire right up. I have cleaned all the leads and checked for any damage..nothing. Am I in need of some major repair or mechanic???? THANKS