Re: '74 Merc 115HP Rotor.
UPDATE.. It is all back together. I found the rotor/dist assembly locally for 10bucks.<br />It was in terible shape,tho. It seems Merc wrenches like this sealant that turns into goo. This goo is used (maybee at factory?) to provide additional sealing of the dist cap.<br />I am pretty sure it is factory goo, as it was on all 10 part motors at the shop, and the one in my driveway. Anyhoo, this goo ran-down the dist assy, and into the dist cap,got all over the metal trigger ring, and pickup. This is probably what stripped-out the old one ??!!!<br />This goo made it hard to turn. I have found NOTHING on the PLANNET that desolves this stuff!!<br />WD40,carb cleaner, nothing. But the WD40 DID free it up enough to get the replacement dist shaft to rotate.<br /><br />Since I replaced the entire assembly, all my paint marks to allign the thing with are gone,so it's "best guess" on the timing for now. The timing belt was cracked, so I had to purchase a new belt. The chjeapest place had it for 20buks, and had to be mail-order.I opted for a local marina, and got the thing for 35 buks. But no wait.<br />I'm about ready to fire it up (Note, crossed-fingers") later today,after my other bro-in-law gets his truck over here for wiring trailer job.<br />I'll post the results of the "key twisting" when I get done with that.