70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!


Oct 11, 2008
Hey its me again but speeching for someone else. My father in-law has decided to take his " 70 something Glasply 17 footer, and convert it from a mercruiser I/O to a outboard drive. To me this seems like a masive undertaking but couldn't offer any knowlegable advice for him. I offered to be a transfer of knowlege since he's computer illiterate and not to willing to learn so any thoughts on this project will be useful thanks.


Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

Your MerCruiser I/O is still very serviceable. Parts are available, no problem.

You could even repower with a new MerCruiser package for less than what a new outboard would cost.

Many I/O to O/B conversions do not work well. There is a lot of science that goes into weight distribution, engine height, etc.

I'm not saying it cannot be done but it is a MAJOR undertaking with unknown results.

Rebuild that M/C or re-power with a good used one, or new. You can even go up somewhat in HP. The new four cylinder engines are 135 HP (at the PROP).


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

agree, many have done this, and been very unhappy.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 6, 2005
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

I had a 19' Glasply that I was going to do the same thing with. It works best with a floatation bracket for the O/B, this keeps it from being stern heavy.

After researching it a great deal I sold it and just used my other boat, the cost was too high for it to be worth the hassle. He could sell what he has and buy what he wants for far less than what it will cost to convert it. That is unless he wants project, if that's what he wants then go for it.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

After researching it a great deal the cost was too high for it to be worth the hassle. He could sell what he has and buy what he wants for far less than what it will cost to convert it. That is unless he wants project, if that's what he wants then go for it.

skeeter......youve just heard from 2 of our top restorers and our best glass expert........

i reasearched this......your FIL is not talking about hanging an ob off the back.......he is talking about extending the hull...(ill explain later if he wants)..

you must understand.....im not the one to "nay say" anything like this conversion......but your FIL must read the above statment....and take it to heart.....if its a project he wants.....then we can tell him how to do it.....no problem !....we can walk him right thru it........however.....if he just wants an ob boat......well....then....sell it and buy another one


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!


I've actually seen several hulls that were converted from O/Ds to O/Bs...
The Owner's were Sure it would work,...
Well,... Of Course it'll Work,... The Big Question is How Well it works....

Every single 1 of the Conversions were in the Scrap pile in a year or Less....


Oct 11, 2008
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

Thanks guys...my thought processes were along the same lines. Im no engineer but I am a pilot and I know that boats operate under the same princibles i.e. C/B datum plains and arms. So I will forward your advice and he can diliberate what he wants to do. Ill keep ya'll updated. Thanks.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 11, 2008
Re: 70 something Glasply I/O to Outboard conversion!!!

Hey 74, I grew up in Mid West City, went to school there and everything. Where have you been boating lately? or at least the last few years. We used to go up to Keystone (closer to Tulsa, off the Bristow exist), but that lake has been either stumps or completely flooded the last 3 or 4 years. We make day trips to Thunderbird, and get up to Grand or down to Arbuckle for the bigger trips. Just curious.