I'm pretty new to this stuff and don't know exactly what to look for. Per the seller, there is a new impeller in the engine.
I got it started and was worried about cooling so I shut it down. I could see some water coming from the big hole about 4 inches below where the cover mounts, The hole is about the size of a quarter and appears to exit the housing at about 30 degrees down from horizontal. Not much water was coming out of the hole. I would call it more of a spit. Definitely not a stream. Is this normal? Does water also discharge around the propeller?
I got it started and was worried about cooling so I shut it down. I could see some water coming from the big hole about 4 inches below where the cover mounts, The hole is about the size of a quarter and appears to exit the housing at about 30 degrees down from horizontal. Not much water was coming out of the hole. I would call it more of a spit. Definitely not a stream. Is this normal? Does water also discharge around the propeller?