Re: 68 evinrude 55hp
ok, I did the test that I described and it doesn't come out in a steady stream. Should it shoot a steady stream? It kinda pulses it out. Shoots some, then none, then shoots a little ,more. I had the boat on the water to check my work finally and it isn't fixed yet. I advanced the throttle wide open and it felt like when I was watching the fuel pump. It would bogg down and not go then it would pick up and lurch forward and repeat. It seemed to me that it was just like the fuel shooting out of the pump in that pattern. The primer bulb doesn't effect it though. I can try and squeez it while we go but it doesn't help. any thoughts?
("Not so Triumphant"......For the first of a breed, not just a breed a revolution, and being right at 40 years old I'd say it speaks well of the critter.)
I know its a good boat motor it is just adjitating the crap out of me, didn't mean any disrespect......