66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

I've just cracked my books to refresh my memory on the ignition system of the 1966 80hp Evinrude/Johnson model. There are indeed two different models... the V4S-18 and the V4A-18.<br /><br />The V4S-18 incorporates a magneto and has manual shifting.<br /><br />The V4A-18 incorporates a automotive type ignition system and a alternator, with an electramatic shift system.<br /><br />Both ignition systems are the belt driven distributor type.<br /><br />Strange how those factors seem to drop out of memory as years go by. Myself.... my memory started to fade right around the time I married whatsername.


May 26, 2004
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Joe,<br /><br />I have the V4S-18C. So it IS a magento systems. I went to the local boat delaer and they told me that it should have been an automotive style and that someone must have changed the ignition on me. The guy there thought that the part I showed him looked like that off a 64 johnson 80Hp. They looked it up in the 1964 book and and it looked like what I had so they took the coil part number off that and ordered it for me (as that is the only thing that I see that could be wrong with it). Is this part number (coil) from a 64 the same as what is in a 66? There was another gentlemen on here (hitnrun) that suggested that the actual magneto could be bad . .have you ever seen this happen in your years of experience?

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

The coil number is 580243 and has never changed. I had one coil left and just sold it this afternoon... discounted it to $40.00. No, the complete magneto has never been known to go bad as anything can be repaired.<br /><br />I have one completely rebuilt V4 magneto left in stock... new coil, points, cond, brgs, rotor etc, which I am going to sell for $125.00 should anyone be interested.


May 26, 2004
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Well . . . I got my new coil today and a new brush and spring assembly (my brush and spring were deteriorating so thought I should replace it while I have it open). The good news is I have spark now from the high tension terminal of the coil to ground . . bad news is still no spark from the distributor down to the plugs.<br /><br />I measured the continuity from the distributor nodes (where the the rotor makes contact) down to the end of the wires that connect to the plugs and did not have very good continuity. Upon further inspection of the distributor terminals (where the rotor makes contact) I notices they were REALLY filty black with carbon?? Anyway, I took an emery board and clean these up and then remeasured continuity . . VOILA . .it's good now. I then put it all back together and try to start it again . .guess what NO SPARK!<br /><br />I am assuming now that it's the rotor but have a quick question regarding the rotor . .does the rotor actually make physical contact with the distributor terminals or does a spark jup the small gap as the rotor passes the terminal?<br /><br />If the rotor DOES actually touch these terminals then am I replacing the rotor because it has worn down and is now not making contact AND who is to say the the terminals for the distributor are worn away and the rotor will still not make contact even once I replace the rotor.<br /><br />Any input would be appreciated! Thanks to all who have helped me out so far . .Your time is GREATLY appreciated.

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

The rotor does not touch the brass contacts. The rotor is shorting out to the shaft on which it sits. Replace the rotor.


May 26, 2004
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Thanks Joe for all the help! A new rotor it is. I may just end up buying that rebuilt magneto unit off you just to have it for a spare. Would you be willing to ship it to Canada??

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Kelly... If you're willing to handle the shipping etc. My address is below when you're ready.


May 26, 2004
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Thanks Joe! Well, I replaced the roto and voila . . th motor is working now. I have one final question seeing as how I am still new to the whole outboard motor thing and this is my first boat : I am working at te boat at homE (away from the lake) so have the bottom end of the morot submersed in a big watering trough that is normally used for horses. I was told that the motor contains a pumps that uses the water to cool the engine and then pumps the water back out a hole at the back of the engine. (once again please correct my terminology). I started the engine in Neutral and noticed that it was created quite a bit of motion in the water while out of gear. I am assuming that the prop wasn't turning but sure to hell wasn't going to reach down to find out for sure. Being in neutral I assumed that it would not turn. However, I also noticed this hole at the back center of the motor below the head was just sputtering props of water and was not putting out a stream of water as I had expected . .is this normal? I only ran the motor for approx 30seconds and then shut down as I was unsure and did not want to damage the engine.<br /><br />Please Advise.<br /><br />James

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

The water pump is located on top of the lower unit.... the joint just above the retaining bolts. That pump must be submerged. Have the water level a good 3" or 4" above that joint area.


May 26, 2004
Re: 66 Johnson No Spark HELP

Would I have done any damage to the motor running it for approx 30 seconds - 1 minute without this submersed in water? Once this IS submersed, how do I tell if its working??