Re: 5.0 omc outdrive on a 5.7 liter motor? Will it work?
Thanks Don, it has bolted up fine. I was told the gearing is 18 compared to 16 teeth if that makes any sense. My mechanic really is not sure if it will work either, we have only tested it on land, not in the water yet. I admittedly do not know anything about gearing and how really the mechanics of the outdrive work. I am in a spot where he told me to try it and see what happens. If it doesn't work, I owe him nothing, if it does work, I owe him some cash. Whats your thoughts? He said he believes the outdrive was from a 88 or 89 model. I'm a carpernter not a mechanic, lol
I will see when I pick it up if I can find the model number on the outdrive. Where would that number be located on the outdrive? Thanks for the help and reference